Accelerating Value to an EEG-based solution for Remote Trials, during COVID-19 (AVERT COVID-19)

Lead Participant: BRAINWAVEBANK LTD.


The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and widespread effect on healthcare. Priorities have necessarily shifted, and resources have been diverted to assist with the crisis. For many thousands of patients enrolled in ongoing or planned clinical trials, it is vital to maintain safety but also minimise, where possible, disruption to ongoing therapy and preserve their valuable scientific contribution towards drug or biomedical device development.

BrainWaveBank's platform is suitable for use across a range of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, designed to track measurement of basic drug mechanisms, stratification of treatment groups, and early detection of response to therapies.

It consists of an easy-to-use, wearable headset, accompanied by games presented on a tablet that test different aspects of cognition, yielding brain-based biomarkers of neurophysiological mechanisms and cognitive function.

In this project, BrainWaveBank will accelerate the pathway to deliver their platform in a manner that means participants will not have to leave the safety and comfort of their own home, enabling continuing data collection and providing a dependable, user friendly solution during the working restrictions of COVID-19 and beyond.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

BRAINWAVEBANK LTD. £49,603 £ 49,603


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