Songs of the Caves: acoustics and prehistoric art in Cantabrian caves

Lead Research Organisation: University of Huddersfield
Department Name: Sch of Music Humanities & Media


This project will explore the acoustics of prehistoric painted caves in Northern Spain, to establish whether a secure relationship can be established between the positioning of painted motifs and sonic effects within the caves. Sound has the potential in many fields of archaeology to provide information that is not available by studying visual or material properties. This project is of particular interest since the documented presence of rock art and the acoustic characteristics of the spaces in which the paintings were made, provide two sets of quantifiable data that can be compared and whose relationships can be analysed.

Reznikoff and Dauvois (1988) have suggested a specific link between the positioning of cave paintings in southwest France and the patterning of acoustic resonances, reverberation and echoes. However the methodology used was not based on rigorous acoustical analysis, but was somewhat subjective, researchers using their voices to search for vocal effects. The present project would be the first attempt to test their theory using a rigorous scientific methodology. The project will involve travel to the UNESCO world heritage site "Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain", where a group of caves includes the oldest dated cave painting in the world, recently identified as 41,000 years old.

A preliminary investigation carried out by members of the team in the summer of 2012 involved visits to a number of the caves, the taking of exploratory measurements, and trialling of different methodologies. Sites included Tito Bustillo, Monte Castillo, Pasiega, Chimneas, and the recently discovered La Garma. This work made clear that the acoustic effects are as impressive as the cave paintings. There were tantalizing spatial connections between images and sounds, but a frustrating lack of time or funding prevented their full investigation. Practical issues have subsequently been explored and relationships developed between British and Spanish researchers which now make possible a more thorough exploration of these phenomena.

The project will systematically map the acoustics of the caves, recording impulse responses that can later be analysed to produce a range of acoustic information. This will then be compared with the already mapped positions of rock art. This is a cross-disciplinary project in which the new research lies in the combination of scientific, archaeological and musical methodologies, rather than in advances in any one of these fields. The project is Arts and Humanities-led, using state of the art acoustic technologies to make discoveries about music, sound, archaeology, heritage and prehistoric culture. The project will also provide a case study to illustrate the quality and significance of the results that can be achieved by such research.

The project was born as a direct result of networking established through the "Acoustics and Music of British Prehistory Science and Heritage Research Cluster" (2009), which established base-line methodologies and research questions for fieldwork of this kind. The current project intends to apply these methodologies within a specific archaeological context of high potential.

Acoustic effects in the caves will be assessed quantitatively using statistical software to establish whether there are significant links between positions of cave art and acoustic effects. The project will also involve the recording of performances in the caves on experimental archaeological reproductions of musical instruments from the relevant prehistoric period, in order to explore the acoustics of the space in qualitative terms. It will also involve photographic survey and high quality digital video footage to provide high impact dissemination. Musical composition will use recordings and impulse responses, and be integrated with visual materials to create immersive multimedia artworks that can provide phenomenological experiences of spaces that are sonically rich.

Planned Impact

Information about the project will be posted on websites and blogs, including the AMBP research cluster webpage, which has had c.10,000 views. Till hosts this site, and will also be able to circulate results through his own youtube site, which has had over 235,000 views. Till's previous research in this field has been disseminated by the BBC, History Channel, Discovery Channel, New Scientist, Times, MSNBC, ABC, National Geographic, national and international press, and over 25,000 websites internationally. The project will have available the marketing resources of a number of universities, and the research will be widely disseminated to the general public, as well as to research communities.

The research has the potential to change our understanding of prehistoric human culture. It has the potential to change the way we think about archaeology, and the significance of sound at archaeological sites. The evidence it provides will oblige Cultural Heritage Managers to consider the acoustic ecology of sites when dealing with issues of preservation in future. Most significantly it has the potential to provide more information about prehistoric ritual activities, to give voice to silent archaeology. It has the potential to enhance multi-sensory archaeology, and provide a new methodology for finding new information about well-studied world heritage sites. The research will have impact on museum curation and cultural heritage management, providing an illustration of the potential for sound to enhance the presentation of heritage. It will provide a methodology for generating scientifically accurate results that can inform the creation of audio material that can be used in heritage displays.

Digital video materials will be produced within the project, which will be widely disseminated, and made freely available to the public via youtube and vimeo, as well as through film festivals and competitions. They will benefit the general public, as many of the caves involved are not open to the public. This has the potential to change the way the public thing about prehistory. The project will illustrate what it may have been like to hear music or take part in rituals in these caves in prehistory.

The project has the potential to enhance UK and European approaches to heritage, to make them more sonically rich, and thus increase their levels of engagement, producing an acoustically engaging overall effect.

Researchers directly involved will learn more of the other fields involved in the project, and gain experience of working in a cross-disciplinary project.

There will be specific impact for the Cantabrian Regional Government. Roberto Ontañón Peredo, Director of the Prehistoric Caves of Cantabria (and with overall responsibility for archaeology within this part of the world heritage site) will be participating in the project, and took part in the earlier pilot exploration. This study has implications for the interpretation, presentation, conservation and management of this world heritage site. For example there is a rock lithophone (a section of stalagmites which ring when struck) in one of the caves that was thought to stretch 5 metres, however we found that many stalagmites in a further 20m radius are also lithophones, the feature is far more significant than was thought.

This feature will need to be investigated fully, recorded, measured and assessed. This and other project discoveries will have implications for presentations on websites and other promotional materials, for tours, for documentation for tourists, and for the way that such caves are explored. Such a major feature in a world heritage site has been undiscovered because of a lack of an ear for such possibilities. How one protects such features, while still presenting them, has implications for this site and for many others potentially, where sonic effects remain unexplored.
Title EMAP Soundgate App 
Description This is a set of apps created as a part of another project, but featuring digital visualisations and auralisations of the caves featured in Songs of the Caves 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact BBC TV and Radio coverage, Reuters syndicated report. 
Title Songs of the Caves 
Description This is a film following a team of researchers exploring sound and acoustics in caves in northern Spain that feature Palaeolithic visual motifs. The film provides both a documentary account of the project, as well as a phenological, embodied, experiential approach to the spaces involved. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The film contributed to to involvement in a large EU funded project (; interviews by Nature Journal, the New Scientist Magazine; national radio in the UK (Today Programme), Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, France and Germany. 
Title The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. 
Description CD/Download/Streaming. 2017. The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon. Rupert Till Co-producer, Anna Friederike Potengowski - flutes, Georg Wyland Wagner - Percussion. This was an album curated, commissioned and co-produced by Rupert Till, that features bone pipes, flute like instruments or aerophones, which are replicas of Palaeolithic archaeological finds from caves. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact The album was reviewed by the Guardian newspaper and others, and featured on BBC Radio 3 and elsewhere. It sold over 2000 copies, and resulted in numerous streams and downloads. 
Description We have explored, analysed, discovered, detailed and disseminated information about the relationships between sound and images in Palaeolithic caves. We have examined the acoustic ecology of the painted caves of northern Spain, a world heritage site. We have created a number of recordings and a film that illustrate the research.
Exploitation Route This may act as a template for future sound archaeology projects. The use of video, music recordings and web mapping technology are innovative and may be used by future projects of a similar nature.
Sectors Creative Economy



Museums and Collections


Description The research has been used within the European Music Archaeology Project, a major EU funded initiative. It has been used by Nature Journal, and radio stations in France, Switzerland and Australia. It has also been used by teachers covering prehistory within the UK national curriculum. There has been increased media interest in sound and acoustics in archaeological contexts, and as a result a more widespread level of understanding of sound and acoustics amongst the general public.
Sector Creative Economy,Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Other
Impact Types Cultural

Description European Music Archaeology Project
Amount € 1,991,899 (EUR)
Funding ID 536370 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 05/2013 
End 06/2018
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation Austrian Academy of Sciences
Department Institute of Ancient Cultural History
Country Austria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation German Archaeological Institute
Department Orient Department
Country Germany 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation Lazio Region
Department Council for Culture, Sport, Youth Policy and Tourism
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation Municipality of Tarquinia
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation Music in the South
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation Tuscia University
Department Department of Cultural Heritage and Environment
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description European Music Archaeology Project 
Organisation University of Valladolid
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator to co-finance the Project during its five years duration, to the amount of 139.083,00€; in addition, in order to implement the Project, the University of Huddersfield / School of Music, Humanities and Media is committed to the Coordinator and to all other Co-organisers for the following roles and tasks: - Scientific direction and management of the virtual reconstruction of ancient soundscapes; - Twenty-three travels for recording the reconstructions of ancient musical instruments; - Post-production, editing, mastering, and printing of five CDs during theProject period; - Scientific contribution to the development of the Project contents; - Creation of four digital audio-visual display installations for the exhibition; - Management of press, public relations, and advertising related to all local activity; - Organization of symposia on acoustics of ancient sites at the Huddersfield University; - Organization of three concerts in Huddersfield; - Travels to the general Project meetings; - Organization of one general Project meeting in Huddersfield; - Financial administration of all the above listed activities.
Collaborator Contribution Creation of travelling exhibition that is now touring Europe. Arrangement of a number of concerts. The project is focused on music archaeology, and exploring common European ancient musical heritage.
Impact The Edge of Time: Palaeolithic Bone Flutes from France and Germany. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 4. Delphian Records. (forthcoming 2017). (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Artistic Director and Soundtrack Composer. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Interactive Soundgate Museum Exhibit. In Archaeomusica Exhibition. Ystad Abbey, Sweden. Tour venues include Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China. 2016. Spellweaving: Ancient Music from the Highlands of Scotland. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 1. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Ice and Longboats: Ancient Music of Scandinavia. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 2. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2016. Dragon Voices: The Giant Celtic Horns of Ancient Europe. European Music Archaeology Project Volume 3. Delphian Records. (CD and Download). Co-producer. 2014. Songs of the Caves, music for film, created for an AHRC/EPSRC-funded project, with film-maker Aaron Watson.
Start Year 2013
Description 'Blasts from the Past: Now That's What I Call Prehistoric Music'. New Scientist, 224(2995): 44-7. (2014). 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Rupert Till was approached by the New Scientist Magazine to write an article on sound archaeology
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description 'Entrancement and entrainment: techno-shamans from prehistory to Bargain' invited presentation at the CTM Festival, Berlin 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Rupert Till was invited to present at the Club Transmediale Festival in Berlin, an electronic music festival that takes place annually in the city. Iegor Reznikoff was also asked to participate, as was Paul Devereux, two experienced sound archaeology researchers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description 'In Search of Lost Sounds', Nature Journal Podcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Nature Journal published a podcast on Sound Archaeology that featured sound in prehistory and the research of Rupert Till in particular.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description 'Rock of Ages', interview and 5 minute radio piece, PM Show, BBC Radio 4, 14 January 2015. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The PM show became interested in sound archaeology and interviewed Rupert Till alongside others on BBC Radio 2. This primetime show attracts about 1.5 million UK listeners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description 'Volume Without Sparks', Interview on Stonehenge research, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 'Volume Without Sparks', Interview on Stonehenge research, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National, 17.4.15. This was a broadcast on national Australian radio discussing sound archaeology and archaeoacoustics, and featuring the research of Rupert Till on the acoustics of Stonehenge and other archaeological sites.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description 1 hour radio documentary based on the acoustics of caves commissioned by German Radio Station Deutsche Radio Kultur. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Archäoakustik: Auf der Suche nach Echo, Deutsche Radio Kultur (DRK), dir. Annie Goh. Featuring Rupert Till, Anna Friederike Potengowski and Iegor Reznikoff. June 2015. Archaeoacoustics researchers Rupert Till and Igor Reznikoff travelled to Isturitz and Arcy-sur-Cure caves to carry out sound archaeology research accompanied by a recording crew from DRK. They explored sound and acoustics in the caves. Isturitz Cave was the site of a find of numerous prehistoric musical instruments, such as vulture bone flutes. A reconstruction of this flute was played and recorded in the cave, and acoustical tests were carried out using scientific instruments to explore Reznikoff's voice led approach to studying sound in such sites.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Archäoakustik: Auf der Suche nach Echo 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Archäoakustik: Auf der Suche nach Echo, Deutsche Radio Kultur 1 hour radio programme, dir. Annie Goh. Featuring Rupert Till and Iegor Reznikoff. Exploring the acoustics of caves.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Article in Nature Journal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This is an article on PI Rupert Till's sound archaeology work in Nature Magazine that was commissioned.

A large number of enquiries and web hits came as a result of this article.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Consultancy, Radio SRF2 Kultur, Switzerland, national radio interview and article on my research, (January 2014). 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Consultancy, Radio SRF2 Kultur, Switzerland, national radio interview and article on my research, (January 2014).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Contribution to BBC2 TV series Civilisations programme 1 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I spoke and performed on the BBC2 TV series Civilisations on the first episode. This will be shown on PBS in the USA and later syndicated worldwide.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Jean Claude Ameisen 'A la recherche des traces des musiques de la préhistoire' (radio programme featuring my research), France Inter, Radio France 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 50,000 or more people heard this broadcast on Radio France

More interest from French audiences
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Stonehenge sounds recreated using virtual technology 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview & Dissemination on virtual modelling of archaeological sites and their acoustics. BBC Breakfast, BBC News, BBC America.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Lost Sounds of Stonehenge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview & Dissemination. Exploring acoustics of archaeological sites and virtual modelling. BBC Radio 2, 4, 5, 6 World Service.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017