Accenting the Classics: Durand's Édition classique (c. 1915-25) as a French Prism on the Musical Past

Lead Research Organisation: Birmingham City University
Department Name: ADM Birmingham Conservatoire


This project will explore the music French publisher Durand's major edition in its centenary year to deliver scholarly and educational outputs, whose outcomes have the potential to change practice in French music research. The Édition classique is a significant, large, but little explored, collection of European piano music from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, supported by editorial prefaces, published by Durand in Paris from 1915 onwards. Its repertoire comprises music by well-known and since-forgotten composers, which was edited by well- and lesser-known early twentieth-century French composers, together with musicologists and teachers at the Paris Conservatoire. Other fin-de-siècle editions (for example, Henry Expert's edition, or Saint-Saëns's Oeuvres complètes de Rameau) have been the subject of thriving research, but the contribution of the Édition classique to this forum is not yet known.

This timely project (with most music now in the public domain) will investigate the edition in its first fruitful decade (c. 1915-25), as a prism through which to reinterpret the musical past. Three temporal positions are implied: the edition's World War I setting; the earlier period(s) of the original music; our present day. Enquiries will focus on the 'French accent' given to these 'Classics', involving interplay between musical subject and object; attitudes relating to time and place; French heritage and internationalism.

Investigation will start with detailed analytical case studies of edited music, which will uphold the highest levels of collaborative scholarship. These are selected on the basis of: a balance of musics; well- and lesser-known composers/editors; source availability; use of volumes with editorial commentary; comparative editions; and analytical interest. The initial group will include Ravel (editing Mendelssohn) and Debussy (Chopin); Emmanuel, Garban and Roger-Ducasse (Bach and Burgundian folksongs); balanced by music of the eighteenth-century French harpsichordists, including Couperin (edited by Tiersot) and Rameau (Diémer). A second group will likely include: Closson (editing Les Classiques belges), Ropartz (Handel), Riéra (Liszt) and Roussel (Mendelssohn's chamber music). Access to sources will be secured via the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Durand and Paris Conservatoire archives, online resources and private collections.

Secondly, using blended archival, historical and interpretative skills, assessment of the role and wider cultural network of the Édition classique will offer new insights into early twentieth-century French cultural identity (e.g. incipient neoclassicism); relations with twentieth-century French composers' own music; canonic issues; Conservatoire pedagogy; wartime publishing, in the context of editions by Expert, Saint-Saëns and Heugel. The project will also embrace how today's users - students, scholars, musicians and the wider public - can benefit from (test out and inflect) this knowledge, including alternative interpretations for pianists and the promotion of 'lost' repertoire.

The main outputs will comprise: a catalogue of the Édition classique's contents (c. 1915-25; approx. 120 edited volumes, 18 editors, 22 earlier composers); three case study articles/chapters, some co-authored (about Ravel and Roussel on Mendelssohn; Debussy's Chopin edition and his own Études and sonatas; Francophone harpsichord music); three further articles (on revisionist implications of the edition's canon; Conservatoire pedagogy; cultural-economic issues of wartime publishing); associated conference papers; performance workshop(s); a hosted international conference and public concert, with follow-on co-edited volume (which may house some chapters above); and a BBC Radio 3 programme.

Pilot tests suggest that the 'French accent' can vary from a subtle re-inflection - often relating to phrasing and accentuation - through to a much more fundamental re-writing of musical history.

Planned Impact

While this project is centred on historical and analytical musicology, its connections with performance practice, pedagogy and creative industries (especially publishing) create considerable potential impact for intellectual, cultural and some economic capital beyond academia, which will be exploited wherever feasible. Some outward-facing elements are built into the project's structure. The two essential questions, concerning who will benefit from this research and how they will benefit, are addressed together under each category of research user:

1. Performers outside academia, ranging from capable high school-aged pianists to professional pianists and other keyboard specialists (harpsichordists, organists) in Birmingham and Manchester. Facilitated by the Project Team and specialist keyboard advisers, these performers will benefit from experimenting with alternative 'French-accented' performance materials in the project's workshop(s) and recorded concert, which in reciprocal fashion will feed back into the project. This is a matter of cultural capital, enabling appreciation of European diversity and richness, which should stimulate creative output and further enquiry into our shared musical heritage.

2. Public concert-goers in Birmingham (and Manchester) will benefit from hearing alternative 'readings' of well-known classical European repertoire, as well as listening to more rarely performed music (for example, Dandrieu, Dagincourt, Duphly) in the performance workshop(s) and concert. Conversely, chamber music societies and concert promoters in the UK, France and other European settings, may be interested to exploit the French-inflected musical subject-matter of this project.

3. Radio/television broadcasting personnel, especially BBC Radio 3 producers, will have a strong opportunity to commission distinctive music programming and talks, building on the already successful centenary commemorations of the start of World War I. Existing working contacts here will be fully pursued. In due course, radio listeners (like the concert-goers above) will benefit from hearing this repertoire in a new light that challenges previous perceptions.

4. Commercial music publishers in the UK, Europe and USA, including representatives of Éditions Durand itself. They should potentially gain, culturally and perhaps economically, from this detailed historical exemplar (especially the outputs from Objective 2) of a large-scale publishing venture that seemingly proved highly successful, despite being conceived in acutely difficult financial times.

5. Institutions that promote French culture, such as the Institut français du Royaume-uni (currently very receptive to music) and Maison française d'Oxford, will benefit from scope for spin-off events and exhibitions emerging from the project's findings.

6. Historical instrument collections (beyond the Conservatoire's own collection). Organology is implicated via the performance outreach agenda, and instrumental museum collections in the UK, Europe and further afield will gain valuable knowledge from the comprehensive catalogue (database) of the edition's content (c.1915-25) about which instruments the music was edited on and for. (Ravel's Mendelssohn edition was very likely worked through on his favoured Érard piano.) This information can then fuel museum displays and demonstrations.
Title 'Accenting the Classics' Concert for Young Pianists 
Description The one-day workshop in June 2019 for members of the Junior Royal Birmingham Conservatoire ended with a public concert by the participants. Couperin, 'Le Tic-Toc-Choc', Third Book (1722) - Jia You Yang Debussy, 'Le petit nègre', Méthode de piano (1909) - Sofia Beleva Debussy, 'Le petit berger', Children's Corner (1908) - Leo Hong and George Marin Ravel, 'Modéré', Sonatine (1905) - Amber Hilton and Sebastian Carrington Ravel, La Valse (transcr. Ravel, 1920) - Lauren Zhang 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The concert, young performers and their repertoire were received enthusiastically by an invited audience of around 100 members of the public. 
Title 'Accenting the Classics' Conference Recital 
Description 'A French Accent on the Classics'. A special recital of music from the Éditon classique was given as part of the three-day project conference on 6 September 2018. This was performed by advanced pianists from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Domonkos Csabay and Connor Wilcox. Handel ed. Ropartz (1917) 'Prélude', from Suite in A major, HWV 426 (two versions) Chopin ed. Debussy (1915) Étude Op. 10, No. 9 Debussy Étude VIII (1915), 'Pour les agréments' Selected pieces from L'École moderne du piano: 'De Bizet à Maurice Ravel' (1926), ed. Isidor Philipp Durand Murmure Op. 8 (c. 1890) Vuillemin 'Sur la route' Op. 23 (1922) Büsser 'Valse lente' Op. 12 (c. 1898) Ravel 'Rigaudon', Le Tombeau de Couperin (1917) Dukas 'Finale', from Variations, interlude et finale (c. 1902) J. S. Bach, transc. Roger-Ducasse (1918) Passacaglia in C minor, BWV 582 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact Changes of both listener and performer attitudes/habits. 
Title 'Accenting the Classics' Workshop for Young Pianists 
Description A one-day workshop in June 2019 for members of the Junior Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. The workshop was led by internationally acclaimed pianist and scholar, Professor Roy Howat (Royal Academy of Music), along with the project team. The event involved young pianists, aged 10 to 17 years, from Birmingham and surrounding areas. Workshop programme. PART I: Couperin and Debussy Couperin, 'Le Tic-Toc-Choc', Third Book (1722) - Jia You Yang Debussy, 'Le petit nègre', Méthode de piano (1909) - Sofia Beleva Debussy, 'Le petit berger', Children's Corner (1908) - Leo Hong and George Marin PART II: Ravel Ravel, 'Modéré', Sonatine (1905) - Amber Hilton and Sebastian Carrington Ravel, La Valse (transcr. Ravel, 1920) - Lauren Zhang 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The event was enjoyed by 50+ listeners, including young performers, their peers and parents. Workshop and concert audiovisual recordings were undertaken. These are available, open access to all, on the project's main website. 
Title Festival Parisien 
Description A recital including works from Durand's Édition classique, took place at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on 24 February 2017 as part of a week-long Festival Parisien. Listen to György Hodozso and Domonkos Csabay perform: Mendelssohn, edited Ravel, 6 pièces enfantines, Op. 72, piano 2-hands; Ravel Ma mère l'Oye, piano 4-hands. Full recording available, open access, via the project's website: 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact Change in both listener and performer habits. 
Description This fifth submission of data (March 2021) occurs after the formal conclusion of this three-year, funded project 'Accenting the Classics' (2016-2019). The most significant findings to date have been the following:

• Further research has indicated that the Édition classique Durand is an even more extensive collection than previously acknowledged, and the fourth version of a substantial 1,000+ entry Annotated Catalogue has been completed. Thus our objective to balance the breadth and cultural scope of the edition (and its role as a prism on the past) by means of selected, detailed musical case studies (with a clearly defined timeframe) has proved well-placed.
• Evidence has been produced to show that the nature of the French accent created by the Édition classique Durand is highly variable, dependent upon the composer-editor, the repertoire being edited and its own historical period. Some subject(ive) perspectives on the past have proved much more faithful to their chosen object of study than others; the discrepancies, however, tell us much about artistic and publisher practice in the period around and following the First World War. The first published edited volume, Historical Interplay in French Music and Culture, 1860-1960 (2018), enabled an important contextual and conceptual foundation for these enquires. Our second, substantial jointly authored book study is contracted to Boydell & Brewer and the final manuscript preparations are well underway. The provisional book title is: 'Accenting the Classics: Europe's Music through Durand's Édition classique, 1915-1928'.
• Whilst offering strong insight into attitudes towards the past, the edition and its reception have also been seen to create a powerful canonic template for the future, including through the crucial domain of performance, for example, Robert Casadesus's use of the edition in his formative years influences performances of earlier music for decades to come. Furthermore, the edition is now finding an exciting future through conservatoire-based performances, the most recent of which (June 2019) took the form of a workshop and concert for young pianists, aged from 10 to 17. Three sets of extensive recordings are now available, open access, together with a range of other materials, on the project's website:
• The inherent focus of the project upon a French national accent, in conjunction with broader European dimensions (transnationalism, internationalism), accrued increased topicality in relation to Brexit and other current cultural-political debates. This facet was exemplified by the project's full-team panel session presented at the international conference 'Rethinking the Dynamics of Music and Nationalism', University of Amsterdam (September 2017).
• The close, complex relationship of 'Accenting the Classics' to the First World War and its aftermath was brought firmly into focus during the centennial commemorations of 2018. This facet was well demonstrated in the team panel session presented at the international conference 'Musique et sorties de guerres', Université de Montréal (October 2018).
• Research into the Edition classique has already contributed significantly to the debate concerning the roots of French neoclassicism. It questions the traditional viewpoint that neoclassicism appeared essentially as a postwar reaction against Debussyism. The increasing importance of this topic led to it becoming the defining characteristic of the project's hosted 3-day international conference: 'Editing, Performing and Re-Composing the Musical Past: French Neoclassicism (1870-) (Éditer, interpréter et re-composer le passé musical: Le néoclassicisme français, 1870-)', Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham City University (September 2018): In turn, these findings have already spearheaded further related discussions in North America (February 2019).
Exploitation Route Evidence of our findings being taken forward by others, including in North America, has already been given above.
Sectors Education



Museums and Collections

Description We have developed the work of exploring and sharing the performance dimensions of 'Accenting the Classics' with public concert audiences. We commenced with a public, recorded recital within Birmingham Conservatoire's Festival Parisien (20-24 February 2017). This perspective was then developed further with a second, substantial recorded public performance, held as a specially connected event with the project's international conference in September 2018. Our final, scheduled engagement event was 'Accenting the Classics': Workshop and Concert for Young Pianists, held at the Junior Conservatoire of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (22 June 2019). This event involved several young pianists, aged 10 to 17 years, from Birmingham and surrounding areas. It was led by Dr Roy Howat and the project team, and was much enjoyed by listeners. All these activities are detailed in the Engagement section. Recordings are now available, open access to all, together with a range of other materials, on the project's main website: Furthermore, as evidence of impact, the 'Accenting the Classics' project and its attendant ideas have been the subject of much wider international discussion, both in France and in Canada. Barbara Kelly was invited to talk about the project's work on the Edition classique at an international workshop (Musique et sorties de guerre), organised by the French part of the Music and Nation research group, held in Paris. This event, which took place on 12 January 2018, was funded by a workshop grant from Paris-Saclay, which is part of the Ecole normale supérieure. In February 2019, Steven Huebner (Keynote Speaker at the project's hosted 3-day international conference in Birmingham September 2018: was invited to talk about our project, which had directly inspired a very similar North American event. Journée d'étude: Musique et [Néo]classicisme en France (1850-1950), Université de Montréal, 15 February 2019 ( Publication of the final, co-authored monograph 'Accenting the Classics: Editing European Music in France, 1915-1925' (Boydell Press) was achieved in March 2023. This book has constituted one of the major outcomes/outputs of the project and should prove of significant academic impact to a wide range of scholarly and lay readers, both in the UK, France and internationally, especially in North America.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural

Description PhD Research Seminar, 'Principles in Practice: Research Proposal Writing (External Funding)'. Deborah Mawer and Barbara Kelly. Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, 11 December.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Markedly increased confidence on the part of doctoral researchers in applying to postdoctoral research funders, as a result of this seminar presentation. Significant interest generated for further, similar events.
Description Principles in Practice: Research Proposal Writing. Deborah Mawer (and Nicholas Gebhardt), PhD Research Seminar Presentation (video-recorded), 'Principles in Practice: Research Proposal Writing', October 2016, Postgraduate Certificate in Research Practice, Arts, Design and Media, Birmingham City University.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Title Édition Classique Durand: Annotated Catalogue (c.1915-25). 
Description Jointly authored and compiled by Deborah Mawer, Graham Sadler, Rachel Moore and Barbara L. Kelly, Édition Classique A. Durand & Fils (ECD): Annotated Catalogue (c.1915-25). Substantial 850+ entry catalogue of predominantly Austro-German repertory. Organised alphabetically by the respective French editor (and then alphabetically by name of individual composer and chronologically by publication date of respective works or collections). This is the crucial source documentation for the 'Accenting the Classics' project. The Annotated Catalogue has been made available publicly, as an online searchable resource, with effect from March 2023. It should prove of particular interest and benefit to musicologists and performers, but also to music editors, publishers, cultural historians and others. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Please note: this output was first created in 2016, but has since undergone substantial further development and expansion through to early 2023. 
Description 'Accenting the Classics': Workshop and Concert for Young Pianists, 22 June 2019. Junior Conservatoire Event. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 'Accenting the Classics': Workshop and Concert for Young Pianists, Saturday 22 June 2019, Junior Conservatoire Event. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Led by Dr Roy Howat and project team. The event involved 8 young pianists, aged 10 to 17 years, from Birmingham and surrounding areas. The two-part event was enjoyed by 51-100 listeners and has been recorded in an open-access format on the project's website.
Workshop programme, 3.00-5.00pm.
PART I: Couperin and Debussy
Couperin, 'Le Tic-Toc-Choc', Third Book (1722) - Jia You Yang
Debussy, 'Le petit nègre', Méthode de piano (1909) - Sofia Beleva
Debussy, 'Le petit berger', Children's Corner (1908) - Leo Hong and George Marin
PART II: Ravel (4.00pm)
Ravel, 'Modéré', Sonatine (1905) - Amber Hilton and Sebastian Carrington
Ravel, La Valse (transcr. Ravel, 1920) - Lauren Zhang
Concert programme, 6.00-7.00pm, with invited guests: Conservatoire students, staff, parents, children, general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Barbara Kelly, Accenting the French Connections, Extended Research Seminar, Royal Northern College of Music (22 November 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Barbara Kelly gave a research seminar at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, on 22 November 2017. The full title of the seminar was: Accenting the French Connections: Debussy's Homage to Chopin. This event (part of the French Connections, year-long festival of French music) provided an opportunity to build on the Amsterdam conference paper (referenced elsewhere), to incorporate recent work on Tellefsen editions and to expand the material into an hour-long presentation. Mutual benefits were derived from working on the musical examples with a new PhD student, Maria Stratigou, who is researching Louise Farrenc's Etudes. As well as engagement with the general public, a valuable extended discussion ensued with colleagues at the RNCM, many of whom have carried out editing work in other historical contexts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Barbara Kelly, International Workshop Contribution: Edition classique, held at Paris-Saclay, Paris (12 January 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Barbara Kelly was invited to talk about the project's work on the Edition classique at an international workshop (Musique et sorties de guerre), organised by the French part of the Music and Nation research group, held in Paris. This event, which took place on 12 January 2018, was funded by a workshop grant from Paris-Saclay, which is part of the Ecole normale supérieure. Barbara Kelly presented a brief overview of the Edition classique Durand and summarised the project team's three proposed contributions to a forthcoming international conference on the notion of Sortie de Guerre, to take place in Montréal in October 2018. Useful feedback was received, particularly on the Mozart element from Cécile Quisney (a French scholar on Mozart reception during WWII, who highlighted certain Exhibitions and writings on the composer).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Festival Parisien, Birmingham Conservatoire Public Recital (24 February 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Festival Parisien, Friday 24 February 2017, 3.00pm, Recital Hall Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham. Public recital directed and introduced by Deborah Mawer, audio- and video-recorded. György Hodozso and Domonkos Csabay (pianists): Mendelssohn (ed. Ravel), Six pièces enfantines, piano 2-hands (1847/1918); Ravel, Ma mère l'Oye, piano 4-hands (1910). The purpose of this event was to showcase to a public audience a first test (pilot), through performance, of selected materials from the main research project. Music by Ravel, as both editor and composer, was linked by the idea of childhood, as an exemplar of French 'Accenting [of] the Classics'. After the concert, members of the public and Conservatoire students, including the performers, discussed informally what they had experienced (new enthusiasm for Mendelssohn's music was reported).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Live-streamed Music Research Showcase Event, October 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact RBC Musicology Day, 9 October 2018: 'Musicology Showcase' event to celebrate musicology and performance research. Mawer, Sadler and Moore presented on the ATC project, principles of 18C French musical editing, and cultural issues around the First World War, to a diverse audience, including A-level Music students, members of the general public in the UK and well beyond, accessed via live-streaming on YouTube; discussion on Twitter: @RBCMusicology
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Public Piano Recital. Connor Wilcox and Domonkos Csabay (directed by Deborah Mawer), A French Accent on the Classics, September 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Connor Wilcox and Domonkos Csabay (directed and programmed by Deborah Mawer), A French Accent on the Classics, Thursday 6 September 2018, 1.15pm, Recital Hall (public piano recital, audio- and video-recorded), Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham. Programme: Handel ed. Ropartz (1917), 'Prélude', from Suite in A major, HWV 426 (two versions); Chopin ed. Debussy (1915), Étude Op. 10, No. 9; Debussy, Étude VIII (1915), 'Pour les agréments' Selected pieces from L'École moderne du piano: 'De Bizet à Maurice Ravel' (1926), ed. Isidor Philipp: Durand, Murmure Op. 8 (c. 1890); Vuillemin, 'Sur la route' Op. 23 (1922) Büsser, 'Valse lente' Op. 12 (c. 1898); Ravel, 'Rigaudon', Le Tombeau de Couperin (1917) Dukas, 'Finale', from Variations, interlude et finale (c. 1902); J. S. Bach, transc. Roger-Ducasse (1918), Passacaglia in C minor, BWV 582. The purpose of this recital was to engage the public in new repertoire from the project, which was also discussed academically within the main conference (5-7 September 2018). People were very taken by hearing previously unknown repertoire (especially Vuillemin) and gaining new insights on music with which they were more familiar.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Rachel Moore, Not to be Opened During the War, Public Research Seminar, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (31 October 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Rachel Moore, 'Not to be Opened During the War': The Mobilisation of French Music Publishing, 1914-18, Public Research Seminar given at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, under the auspices of the French Music Research Hub, on 31 October 2017. This seminar focused on the activities of French music publishers during the First World War. With the outbreak of war in 1914, the dominance of Austro-German firms on the market for musical editions in France became problematic. Leading Parisian publishing houses began to produce new editions of the Austro-German works so important to French musical life and education, in series labelled as specifically 'national' collections. The seminar examined these parallel projects as a form of cultural rivalry, aiming to claim back market space from German publishers, allowing Austro-German composers to be remade as international figures with whom French culture could assert strong association. In so doing, it highlighted how editions of music by Austro-German composers formed a crucial part of wider French musical propaganda initiatives during the War. The talk was very well received and engendered lively discussion and questions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017