Investigation of the role of calcium in circadian rhythms

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Pharmacology


Virtually all aspects of our physiology and behaviour display 24-hour variations, driven by a circadian clock, which can be found every cell of our body. In mammals, the master clock is present in the brain, which receives light information from the eye and relays it to other tissues in the body to synchronise biological processes with the 24h environmental light-dark cycle. Examples of processes regulated by the clock include the sleep-wake cycle, the regulation of hormone secretion and body temperature and also more complex processes such as cognition and memory formation. Given the importance of clock in regulating large swathes of physiological processes, it's not surprising that disruption of the circadian clock leads to various disorders ranging from diabetes to mood disorders.

Whilst there has been great progress in the identification of key proteins involved in the generation of circadian rhythms, we are much further behind in our understanding of how cellular signalling processes influence the circadian clock at the molecular level. Environmental information, such as the time of day are communicated to the molecular clock by signalling mechanisms and an understanding of these mechanisms holds the key to developing drugs that may be used to target the clock.

In this application we propose to explore the role of calcium, arguably the most ubiquitous cellular signalling messenger, in regulating circadian rhythms. Calcium signalling plays a major role in regulating how and when genes are turned on and off in response to environmental stimuli in nearly all systems including the heart and brain. Our preliminary work shows that calcium is likely to play a fundamentally important role in the regulatory networks underlying circadian rhythms, and by extension, biological rhythms in all cells. We propose to build upon these findings and conduct a detailed investigation on the role of calcium and the signalling pathways by which it modulates the core molecular clock.

Technical Summary

In mammals, almost all cell types contain a functional molecular clock and these individual clocks are held in synchrony by a master clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), contained in the hypothalamus. The molecular circadian clock comprises of cell autonomous transcriptional networks with auto regulatory feedback loops, consisting of the transcriptional drivers CLOCK and BMAL1 and the repressors of transcription PER and CRY. While there has been remarkable progress in identifying core clock proteins and feedback loops regulating these proteins, research on how cellular signalling processes affect circadian rhythms is still in its infancy.

Here I propose to test the hypothesis that calcium, a ubiquitous signalling molecule, along with its signalling toolkit, forms a key component of the circadian machinery. This hypothesis builds upon the finding that messengers such as cAMP and calcium show a robust 24-h rhythm within the SCN and that modulating calcium in turn affects circadian rhythms. However, there exist no reports of a role for calcium in regulating circadian rhythms non-neuronal cells. Given that circadian rhythms are cell autonomous processes, if calcium were a key component of the circadian machinery, such regulation should be ubiquitous and not restricted to the SCN. My preliminary findings show that this is indeed the case, where we find robust 24-h calcium rhythms in quiescent human cell lines such as the U2OS osteosarcoma cell line. In this application I propose to conduct a detailed investigation on the role of calcium in modulating circadian rhythms in peripheral and cellular clocks and by extension, the consequences of modulating calcium signalling mechanisms on the molecular clock.

The findings from this proposal will significantly add to our understanding of the regulatory networks underlying biological rhythms and provide the mechanistic substrate with which clock-based interventions could be developed in the future.

Planned Impact

The main deliverables from this work include 1) The mechanistic understanding of the role of calcium in regulating the molecular clock. This will provide the substrate with which to develop interventions targeting the circadian network. 2) The identification of specific signalling pathways that converge on the circadian clock. These findings will increase our understanding of the regulatory networks underlying biological rhythms, and provide tangible outputs that will find application in disease areas where circadian disruption is implicated. These include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders and cancer, which together cover the top 3 spending areas of the NHS and cost the economy over £100 billion. These disorders are also the major factors underlying a substantially shorter healthspan in comparison to lifespan.
This findings from this research will directly benefit
1) Academic labs researching disease mechanisms in the above areas as well as those interested in calcium and calcium signalling and circadian rhythms.
2) Pharmaceutical and biotech industries as well as academic drug discovery initiatives working on sectors where circadian disruption is implicated and where an understanding of the mechanisms regulating the clock could be translated. These include metabolic disease, oncology and mental health disorders.
3) The healthcare sector, as these findings can underpin the development of new therapeutics to treat chronic and debilitating conditions as discussed above. This information will be disseminated by dedicated outreach wings of the University, and also via workshops, roadshows, television and press releases, etc.

In terms of staff development, I will gain a platform to develop as a new PI. The Post-doctoral research assistant on this program will gain research skills and technical expertise, which would be applicable in the wider fields of pharmacology, cell and molecular biology research. In addition, they will gain skills in writing, presentation and project management, which would be of benefit in all employment sectors.


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Description Although we are now aware that the light information from our eyes (example through sun) sets the time within cells of our body to perform appropriate physiological tasks, such as, insulin secretion, sleep timing etc in a 24 hr manner (through a process termed circadian rhythms), the exact molecular mechanisms through which this happens still remains to be fully understood. We have identified that calcium and another such messenger (called cAMP) independently control key genes involved in this circadian control. Up until now although they were known to be involved how, why and what separate process they mediate has remained a mystery. We have further elucidated that the increase in calcium specifically within the nucleus is responsible for mediating these effects and if we prevent calcium of increasing here, the cells wont be able to be set to the right time. We are now in late stages of identifying all the key proteins that orchestrates these effects of calcium on circadian rhythms. Such information is extremely useful as they enable us understand how this process works and in turn in the future can form the substrates to do drug discover, when this process falters.

In order to reach the aforementioned conclusions we have created genetically engineered cells that are capable of generating these cellular messengers in response to light in addition to be able to report the status of the circadian rhythms. This approach is extremely efficient as now we can precisely control when and where these messengers are released within cells and look at the circadian entrainment and further avoids the complexity that using a drug presents (can't control space and time plus they activate numerous unintended proteins and as a reason confounds the findings). Towards this we have also re-engineered our readers which are normally not built to accommodate such manipulations and have developed methods of analysis. Upon publishing these results the entire community will be able to use this methods in their own research.
Exploitation Route Several ways. From the work done so far, we have identified the specific proteins and pathways through with cAMP and Ca2+ mediate their effects on circadian rhythms. We reveal a new framework where each of these messengers in a spatiotemporal manner activate separate sets of genes, which in turn converge as a unified output to the circadian clock. To date although Ca2+ and cAMP are known to be involved in the process, they are often grouped together as a single entity and the exact mechanisms on how and what contributions they have to the circadian clock have remained absent. Therefore this research will redefine our understanding on this and further enable us to re-interpret the data obtained thus far.

Further studying circadian entrainment using in vitro models have always been very difficult due to the specificity of the drugs used ( for e.g Forskolin, often used to increase cAMP at least activates 10 different proteins/ transcription factors) and the artefacts introduced by drug addition itself (temperature, mechanical disruption all influence circadian rhythms). Here in our research by using ontogenetic cells bearing circadian reporters, we have overcome this barrier. This protocol and the analysis methods is indeed transferrable to other lab. Further this method also opens up future possibilities for conducting High Throughput Screening assays for identifying drugs that could alter circadian phase shifting, which until now was not possible. We are also in the process of submitting a manuscript outlining our work. This will be updated as soon as it is published.
Sectors Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description BBSRC New investigaor
Amount £480,000 (GBP)
Funding ID R38163/GA001 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 03/2019
Description Development of adenosine receptor modulators as treatment for circadin rhythm disorders
Amount £450,000 (GBP)
Organisation CIRCADIAN Therapeutics Ltd. 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
End 09/2022
Title Automated HTS optogenetics method 
Description We have developed a new way to evaluate/observe cAMP and calcium using genetically encoded reporters in-line with observing circadian rhythms via reporter luciferase assays and have multiplexed this with ontogenetic stimulation protocol. For the first time this enables us to evaluate the role of transient increase in second messenger and its circadian consequence all in real time in a high throughput manner. We and others have been trying to develop a method such as this for over a decade but have only managed to solve this. When published, we expect this to be rapidly taken up. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Not yet as we are only expecting publication in 2018-19. 
Title Creation of lenti and AAV tools for measuring intracellular calcium/ 
Description We have developed and validated numerous lentivirus and AAV genetically encoded calcium reporters. Example of this include Aequorin and variants of GCamP6 (fluorescent and luminesce based) as part of this research award to study intracellular calcium in both cell lines and tissues. Since its creation we have distributed these tools to at least 4 different labs studying various facets of biology ranging from 3d-cell culture model to studying calcium in IPSC generated cardiac myocytes where the labs use these routinely. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The lab to which we distributed these tools, do not have the expertise or resources to create and validate these tools. Additionally as these are not available commercially they would not have been in a position to obtain these. In addition to providing these tools we have given extensive advice on using these, thereby adding extra value to the funds provided to us and training their groups with skills required to use and produce these in the future. 
Description Cacna1 mutation and calcium signalling 
Organisation MRC Harwell
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are characterising the Ca2+ signalling dynamics in Cacna1 mutant mice primary cells including neurones, which demonstrate sleep and circadian rhythm disturbance. This mice bears the same mutation that has been found to be a major candidate gene in several psychiatric disorder such as bipolar disorder. Indeed these mice show hyperactivity, sleep anomalies and other behaviours considered representative of mania. However the molecular pathways leading to this is poorly charecterised. Towards this evaluating the calcium dynamics in cells of these animals using imaging techniques combined with pharmacology.
Collaborator Contribution The mutant mice were generated by our collaborators and their sleep and circadian rhythms characterised using in depth in vivo assays. Additionally our collaborators post doc routinely performs this experiments in our lab.
Impact None yet
Start Year 2017
Description Investigation of calcium signalling dynamics 
Organisation MRC Harwell
Department Neurobehavioural genetics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are evaluating calcium signalling anomalies from mutants generated by harrell. These mutants are generated following large scale GWAS studies and our role is to determine if any of the phenotype could be explained via defects in calcium signalling pathway.
Collaborator Contribution Providing cells and tissue samples and sharing their phenotypic data
Impact Its too early to list outcomes are we are presently conducting this research.
Start Year 2016
Description Trust me Im a doctor; Contribution towards episode on circadian rhythms 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This Trust me series is a semi-documentary by BBC whose goal is to take the latest scientific findings to the public via a series of interviews and data deck. Towards this our lab contributed both data and scientific advice, which were aired on TV on 24 Feb 2018.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description University of Manchester, Research Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I was invited to give a talk at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. This talk was well attended by undergraduates, graduates and several PI's. Following the talk, we have had request from 2 specific researchers to incorporate our research methods in their lab. We have shared these details and along with other resources to enable this including engineered cell lines. In total there were around 40-60 scientists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017