Planktonic ostracods (Myodocopa: Halocyprididae) from abyssopelagic depths in the Atlantic, North Pacific and Gulf of Oman: Chavturia abyssopelagica (n. gen., n. sp.), Halocypretta profunda (n. sp.), Halocypretta parvirostrata Chavtur and Stovbun, 2008 and Halocypretta striata (Müller, 1906). (2013)

First Author: Angel MV
Attributed to:  NOC Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems funded by NERC


No abstract provided

Bibliographic Information

Digital Object Identifier:

PubMed Identifier: 26240919

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Type: Journal Article/Review

Volume: 3709

Parent Publication: Zootaxa

ISSN: 1175-5326