Assessment of WAVEWATCH III dissipation formulations by using collocated TOPEX data. In: Dahlin, H.; et al(eds.) Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. Procs Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS. (EuroGOOS Pub 28)

First Author: Kalantzi GD
Attributed to:  NOC Marine Physics and Ocean Climate funded by NERC


No abstract provided

Bibliographic Information

Type: Book Chapter

Book Title: Assessment of WAVEWATCH III dissipation formulations by using collocated TOPEX data. In: Dahlin, H.; et al(eds.) Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. Procs Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS. (EuroGOOS Pub 28) (2010)

Page Reference: 287-292