MISFIT – Maximising Inclusiveness in Sports through Female-centric Innovation and Technology

Lead Participant: KYMIRA LTD.


The needs of older women are largely ignored in many areas of life,?and this is particularly true when it comes to sport and exercise. Yet sustaining fitness and activity levels for women as they age has life-changing and lasting benefits in relation to?physical health,?happiness?and?mental wellbeing.

In the?older female population, a particular barrier to remaining physically active is lower limb pain and injury risks.?Women aged 50+ face particular barriers to getting and/or staying physically active. As well as an increased incidence of pain, discomfort and injury, this group are not well-supported in terms of assistive and appropriate sports technologies, sportswear and footwear -- which tend to be developed for, and marketed to,?young people.?

In fact, the majority of exercise and sport-related injury prevention research is conducted on young, often male, adults, largely in the context of elite sports. The effects of gender and ageing on bodily biomechanics and physiology remain poorly understood, making it challenging to remove or even address these barriers and changes to injury risks. Furthermore, conventional biomechanics studies are limited to laboratory-based research with small participant numbers, preventing large-scale data insights of normal people,?doing normal?sports,?in normal settings. There is an urgent need to progress our understanding of female sports biomechanics through life, and develop relevant technologies and products to support inclusive sports participation by women of all ages.?

Project MISFIT aims to address this gap in the Healthy Ageing space by developing a new movement analytics service that is designed specifically for older women. This will provide?evidence-based?information?regarding?bespoke?exercise regimes?and?injury prevention?to?support continued?safe participation in?physical activity.

MISFIT will build on KYMIRA's?award-winning sports apparel solutions, which will be adapted for older females. The project?uses?smart garments?equipped with sensors and pressure measuring insoles, to capture and integrate kinematic (movement), kinetic (force) and?physiological data during everyday sports.?MISFIT will enable large-scale data-gathering to provide population-level insights into injury mechanisms and optimum exercise regimes as women get older. MISFIT will translate the data and learnings to provide a sports advisory service to users. In a further innovation, award-winning sports footwear developer Ida Sports will use the service to inform the user-centric design of a new range of sports footwear?to support?women?to continue in sport participation?as they age.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

KYMIRA LTD. £524,458 £ 367,120


IDA SPORTS LTD £262,438 £ 183,707
UNIVERSITY OF EXETER £191,972 £ 191,972


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