Preclinical optimisation and evaluation of controlled release ophthalmic depots for anti-VEGF treatments: readiness for Pharma partnering



**NanOptima has a mission to reduce the colossal burden of treatment for retinal diseases, specifically "wet" age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusion**. These conditions are estimated to affect 570,000 people in the UK and and at least 96M worldwide. Current proven protein drug treatments preserve sight, but require intravitreal injections every 1-2 months, which is costly for healthcare systems since injections must be done by trained clinicians, is very unpleasant for patients, and loses days of patients' and carers' time, while every injection carries a low but accumulating risk of serious complications.

Worrying public reaction to COVID-19 has resulted in a dramatic trend of patients neglecting signs of vision loss and not presenting to a perceived high-risk environment such as a hospital (incidence down nearly 80% from 2019). As COVID-19 risk decreases, there will likely be a considerable surge in the presentation of emergency cases with more advanced sight loss, to an already overburdened healthcare system (_Eye_ volume 34, pages 1189--1192(2020)).

NanOptima is designing nano-scale drug-release depots constructed from self-assembling polymer filaments and natural human biopolymers. The materials we use will break down into compounds that occur normally throughout the human body. The depots are designed to be injected infrequently, through a very fine needle with no need for surgical implantation, delivering proven existing retinal treatments with the intention of being formulated in future with novel treatments under development in the pharmaceutical industry. The solution will make treatment less invasive, reduce risks, distress and costs, and maintain sight-protecting treatment levels for longer.

NanOptima is a small UK company based at Alderley Science Park where we have access to high-tech equipment and facilities, and are supported by an unrivalled pool of experienced pharmaceutical specialists. In this project, NanOptima will partner closely with a leading academic materials design group at the **University of Manchester**, with a track record of translating research into clinical and commercial sector.

On successful completion of this project, NanOptima expects to partner internationally with ophthalmic pharmaceutical companies, sharing risk and attracting inward investment into the UK. Our company intends to grow and create new science jobs in advanced healthcare technology and in delivering our projects, we will also create work for UK contract research organisations. Ultimately, we expect the products to benefit patients worldwide, reduce healthcare costs, and generate revenue for UK businesses.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NANOPTIMA LIMITED £605,021 £ 423,515




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