Net-Zero Windfarm O&M with Hydrogen-Electric Marine Propulsion Drivetrains

Lead Participant: DUODRIVE LIMITED


Net-Zero Windfarm O&M with Hydrogen-Electric Marine Propulsion Drivetrains project collaborators will realise meaningful zero-emission marine propulsion innovation in the Tees Valley

Duodrive are project lead, based in Tees Valley with demonstrators of electric drive high efficiency contra-rotating marine propulsion developed with the assistance of the Tees Valley based, Hydrogen Transport Hub Demonstration Phase1\. Steamology, project partners, deliver scalable and modular power solutions, embracing the hydrogen economy, eliminating emissions, replacing fossil fuels and fossil fuel engines. Zero-emission high torque turbines, 'drop-in' diesel engine replacement, power units deliver energy-dense, cost-effective, long-lived mechanical, electrical or hybrid power from 250kW-MWscale. The Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (ORE) are the UK's leading technology innovation and research centre for Offshore Renewable Energy, a team of over 200, a considerable presence in the Tees Valley with essential knowledge and understanding of Windfarm O&M maritime operations.

The 9-month project has letters of support from the rapidly expanding maritime Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) industry:

Scottish Power Renewables, positioned at the forefront of the renewable energy industry, focused on the delivery of projects in the UK market involving the support of maritime operations and CTVs.

AMC -- Aluminium Marine Consultants, leading sustainable innovations & CTV construction

Subcontract include DNV compliance and certification experts in the regulatory challenges of integrating hydrogen into marine applications

This Net-Zero Hydrogen-Electric Marine Propulsion project will commercialise knowledge through innovation activities, and lead to increased investment into research and innovation contributing to growing business activities and generating economic impact in the net zero cluster centred on Tees Valley.

The project focuses on specific themes of hydrogen, offshore engineering and the circular economy, embracing the enabling themes of, regulatory framework, skills requirement and collaboration building and unites a zero-emission driveline technology already at an advanced Technology Readiness Level to demonstrate to the market the technical, certification and commercial viability of Steamology zero emission steam turbine electric generation combined with high efficiency Duodrive contrarotating propulsion for application to a net zero marine propulsion requirements of the Offshore Renewable industry utilising the industrial skills and infrastructure of the Tees Valley

Project objectives delivered across 6 work packages shared between collaborators with the core skills and experience to demonstrate:

* capability of zero-emission steam turbine electric propulsion to decarbonise diesel-powered marine applications in the 250kW-1MW power range
* assessment of overall efficiency of CTV drivelines between mechanical and electrical drivelines
* certification, compliance, commercial model of integration and operation of zero-emission hydrogen-powered CTV fleet

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

DUODRIVE LIMITED £69,984 £ 48,989




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