Converting NOx pollution into plant feed

Lead Participant: CROP INTELLECT LTD


Nitrogen pollution (NOx) is a significant environmental problem in Europe and around the world as its impacts include contributions to global warming. Our solution removes NOx from the atmosphere by converting it into nitrate as plant feed. We have developed specially designed photo-catalysts that can work under day light to selectively activate the conversion of NOx into nitrate. The new product (R-LEAF) can be sprayed on the surface of crop leaves where it captures NOx and converts it through photo-catalysis into nitrate, which is absorbed by the crop foliage as a nutrient leading to increased crop yield. R-LEAF increases the efficiency of nitrogen applications resulting in reduced requirement of synthetic N applications. The solution has a multifaceted purpose, to remove NOx from the atmosphere resulting in cleaner air, to provide nitrogen fertiliser to the plants efficiently, to increase food production, contribute towards reducing climate change and improve human health.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CROP INTELLECT LTD £1,414,360 £ 990,052




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