REEMAG - Closing the loop on REEs for MAGnets

Lead Participant: NANOMOX LTD


Nanomox Ltd is embarking on an exciting project to explore the potential of their innovative manufacturing process, Oxidative Ionothermal Synthesis (OIS), for recycling Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and manufacturing nanomaterials. OIS is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach that uses wet chemistry to recover metals and produce advanced nanomaterials. Unlike traditional methods, OIS significantly reduces energy requirements and eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, resulting in reduced environmental impacts. For instance, in the case of zinc oxide production, OIS achieves an impressive 97% reduction in energy consumption and associated emissions compared to conventional methods. OIS excels at efficiently recovering metals from various industrial waste streams, regardless of their quality or concentration, yielding pure metals or advanced nanomaterials.

This project aims to leverage the OIS process to meet the increasing demand for REEs in the UK market while addressing challenges in supply chain resilience. By doing so, it supports the UK's Critical Minerals strategy and Net Zero target. The project will also focus on developing the technology for extracting REEs from waste streams and exploring their use in manufacturing REE-based nanomaterials for high-tech applications. Through collaboration with the Science and Technologies Council and Green Rose Chemistry, Nanomox will demonstrate the capability of OIS to recover REEs of sufficient quality to be upcycled into high-quality permanent magnets. The project will comprehensively investigate the system-level aspects of this ground-breaking technology, providing empirical evidence of the economic and environmental value of OIS in REE recovery. This collaboration positions Nanomox to revolutionise production and application of advanced inorganic materials, driving sustainable advancements and fostering a circular economy in the REE industry.

The aim of this feasibility study is to assess the potential of the OIS process in the field of rare earth elements (REE). A successful outcome will yield the following benefits:

Enable the recovery of REE from various waste streams, including slags from the steel industry, spent magnets, and electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE). This will contribute to efficient resource utilisation and minimise the reliance on primary sources.

Drive the development of new materials suitable for use in permanent magnet applications. By exploring innovative materials, we can enhance the performance and sustainability of permanent magnets, thus expanding their range of applications.

By achieving these objectives, the feasibility study will play a significant role in advancing sustainable practices for REE mining, promoting efficient waste stream utilisation, and driving innovation in permanent magnet materials.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NANOMOX LTD £223,020 £ 156,114




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