Public Consultation Tool for Net Zero Planning



The planning system is one of the key mechanisms to transform where we live and work into net-zero places. Planning is therefore a key lever for Local Authorities to meet environmental targets and create sustainable places. Local plans without a focus on environmental and social considerations can result in decisions that cause new development, infrastructure and land use changes to prevent a transition to a low-carbon future.

Public consultation is a vital component of local planning. It helps to embed social considerations maximising the effectiveness of the plans, and also fosters ownership, participation, and ultimately behaviour change. In an increasingly online world, digital tools for public consultation have the potential to offer increased accessibility and convenience.

However, existing tools are not comprehensive and are unsuitable for larger schemes. They have not been optimised for usability, comprehension, personal connection or accessibility standards. Users are required to absorb information from piecemeal sources which can cause confusion, reduced participation and inaccurate responses.


Our project aims to re-invent public consultation in local planning to ensure buy-in for and maximise pace of net-zero delivery. We aim to build a new public consultation and engagement tool that deeply and meaningfully embeds public needs into local planning processes, thereby supporting the development of net-zero places. We will work directly with the public to understand how they would like to receive information about the environment and climate change and how we can optimise feedback mechanisms in the tool. This will enable resulting local plans to have greater potential for transforming the local environment by addressing true citizen need.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



APPLE BARN UK LIMITED £9,978 £ 9,978


10 25 50