In Touch

Lead Participant: M-SOLV LTD


The In Touch project aims to develop robust, industrial-grade multi-touch capacitive touch sensors (MTCTS) and a fully digital (ie driven from CAD files with no, or minimal fixed tooling) manufacturing process. The process is designed to be suitable for short, high-product mix, production runs. The MTCTS product will be tolerant to extreme temperature variations, moisture and even corrosive gases in the atmosphere as well as insensitivity to electromagnetic interference and a design lifetime of 25 years. Such high-value, low volume sensors are not currently available and manufacturers of industrial controllers, military and aerospace systems and point of sale equipment are forced to use either poorly specified COTS products or non-touch alternatives. The technology and process developed in this project opens up a large (number) niche market that can be addressed by Touchnetix with cost-effective manufacturing on a small scale, flexible, production line developed from our existing in-house facility at M-Solv.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

M-SOLV LTD £340,268 £ 170,134


TOUCHNETIX LIMITED £149,932 £ 89,959


10 25 50