Exploiting Cloud Collaboration Across a Diverse Geotechnical Supply Chain

Lead Participant: KEYNETIX LIMITED


Based on significant demand from US and other global contacts, Keynetix (UK SME) will complete this experimental development project to adapt their novel geotechnical data management platform, which is currently a UK centric solution, to respond to challenges faced in wider global markets, where there is: (1) a lack of a mature and standardised format to exchange geotech data; (2) multiple disparate databases using dissimilar data models; and (3) little system inter-connectivity => wealth of data inaccessible in supply chain. The project will deliver a “Data Extractor and Consumer” for the cloud platform which advances beyond state of the art by allowing consumption and sharing of data from diverse solutions/databases facilitating exploitation in any market where there is no standard well adopted geotechnical data format. This technology will unlock the true potential of currently inaccessible valuable geotechnical data across the globe. It will revolutionise the industries traditional, inefficient approach to site investigation; finally organisations will have access to all intrusive geotech data via a centralised cloud platform and also have the tools to collaborate and store/share/reuse subsurface data throughout the supply chain. KEY WORDS: BUILT ENVIRONMENT, DIGITISE THE CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY PROCESS, GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

KEYNETIX LIMITED £456,784 £ 205,553






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