A novel high-dose rate and high throughput x-ray irradiation technology for replacement of isotopic sources in radiobiology applications.

Lead Participant: XSTRAHL LIMITED


The bulk of radiation studies are carried out by isotopic sources (Co60/Cs137), due to their ability to provide a high irradiation rate. However, such sources have become subject to tightening restrictions due to increasing fears surrounding the health and safety (dangerous to human health), security (stolen samples have the potential to be used as weapons), infrastructure required (costly shielding), disposal (costly processing) and increasing regulatory restrictions around use (US Cesium replacement program-CIRP).X-ray sources have provided an alternative for the last few decades, using X-ray tubes in sealed and protected environments, which can be switched on/off, presenting a safer, easy, environmentally friendly and more secure system. X-ray sources can only currently deliver low/medium dose rates(5-6Gy/min) at low throughput rates and with poor dosimetry control (±10-15%), with larger systems costing \>£500,000 per machine, limiting their effectiveness in replacing isotopic sources and reducing their uptake.Through the use of a proprietary x-ray source arrangement, bespoke mechanical and electric systems and revolutionary analysis and control software, Xstrahl Limited (a UK SME) aims to address the limitations associated with conventional x-ray irradiators delivering a solution that enables:\*High-dose rate for high-energy radiobiology as an alternative for isotopic sources.\*High throughput system allowing large-scale experiments.\*Cost reduction of \>50% on existing high-dose solutions, enabling wider uptake.\*Increased health & safety and security aspects (on/off switch/cannot be used outside apparatus).With market need validated (through one-on-one discussion with existing customers) and building on positive user feedback from an initial PoC trial with two users (Well-known R&D institutes), a programme of Industrial Research is require to further development the initial concept into a MVP prototype for user trials in a relevant environment. With Innovate UK's support and if successful in development, the solution will initially be deployed with a range of radiobiology sectors including cell irradiation, whole-body animal irradiation, Sterile Insect Technique and Viral deactivation, all sector who have been slow to adopt x-ray technology due to its current limitations and where market dominance can be established. Xstrahl's technology has the potential to increase the range of users that have access to such equipment while reducing the risk factor involved with the use of isotopic irradiators. The technology has the potential to be exploited globally as well as across a range of R&D sectors including materials science and blood irradiation.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

XSTRAHL LIMITED £479,571 £ 335,700




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