The Smarter Travel Package



The Smarter Travel Package is an ambitious project to provide a step change in the way consumers view and use public transport. The group undertaking this study is led by digital communications provider Telefónica O2 and includes public transport provider FirstGroup, sustainability charity Forum for the Future and the UK’s largest car club, City Car Club. The group is collaborating in a feasibility study exploring how to deliver the traveller a full range of options for getting to their destination; bringing together bus, rail, car club, cycle and taxi options to deliver a “one screen journey”. The project will examine options for combining these travel services with the aim of increasing choice, improving quality of life, reducing environmental impact and building economic gains. The consortium expects the initial stages of the project to offer journey planning and real time information for travellers, and have chosen Leeds as the pilot city: Leeds City Council, West Yorkshire Metro, University of Leeds and consultants Arup are all involved with the project. Future development would aim to converge new finance approaches too, such as mobile phone payment.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TELEFÓNICA UK LIMITED £25,601 £ 16,641


FORUM FOR THE FUTURE £10,385 £ 10,385
CITY CAR CLUB LIMITED £2,380 £ 1,785
METRO £8,459 £ 5,498
LEEDS CITY COUNCIL £3,180 £ 2,067
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS £6,293 £ 6,293


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