CARSKIP - Community Asset Register & Supply Chain Integrator Platform



SmartKlub is a start up with the aim of "Empowering Cities Together". It is creating new distributed energy project facilitation models to transform how cities and communities power themselves. It is actively working at city scale to join up the various actors of the energy supply chain, with city stakeholders, to co-create the projects required to build city scale distributed energy schemes and social capital. This is a complex multi-layered problem where easy sharing of best practice and creation of economies of scale are paramount to making community energy mainstream. SmartKlub has identified the need for a platform that implements a Local Energy Marketplace where supply chains use a city asset register to collaborate and form bespoke offers to communities, businesses and civic authorities alike. This allows integrated system thinking to be applied to disparate energy assets within a city. The platform will use an open data and mapping architecture as a free to use tool for suppliers to understand and propose scale solutions of current and future solutions and technologies.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SMARTKLUB LIMITED £32,049 £ 22,434


BLOOM MEDIA (UK) LIMITED £7,912 £ 5,538


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