Flock: BigData algorithm to minimise and regulate Drone population disturbance in Cities

Lead Participant: FLOCK LIMITED


Drones will soon make our cities more efficient, but in order make them fly in urbanised areas we need to address the issues around this technology, such as privacy, noise pollution or accident and collision risks.

The algorithm the Flock has already prototyped uses big data and the IoT sensing network to quantify and minimise the risks of drones flying over citizens real time. The technology can be useful for operators, citizens, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, etc and offer many tangential benefits to the overall urban infrastructure.

This technology will make drones empathetic. Flock will make drones understand humans, making machines more respectful towards the ones that matter the most, us.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

FLOCK LIMITED £22,630 £ 22,630


10 25 50