Chronos - TimePort - Portable UTC Traceable Time



TimePort™ is a 21st century equivalent to the 19th/early 20th century service of transporting time which was operated by Ruth Belville – “The Greenwich Time Lady” with an 18th century pocket watch which she calibrated weekly at The Royal Greenwich Observatory.
Whereas the Belville service brought time to London’s Banks in the early 20th century with accuracies of the order of seconds, TimePort™ will enable time to be transported in the 21st century using the stability of an atomic clock with nanosecond accuracy.
The TimePort™ project will harness the small size and low power of the revolutionary new Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) technology. Time on the TimePort™ device will be set to Coordinated Universal time (UTC) using a link to the GPS satellite signals. This link can then be disconnected to enable the TimePort™ device to be carried into a building for the purpose of calibrating accurate time where it is needed.
Key aspects of research will include keeping the TimePort™ device accuracy to within a few 100 nanoseconds of UTC over 24 hours, combined with low power, light weight, portability and ease of use.
Typical users of this new time service will be financial institutions, telecom networks and
power utilities where time delay errors caused by cables, equipment and networks must be quantified and removed to enable services to operate effectively.
Conventional methods to calibrate time involve transporting a very heavy Caesium atomic clock or running a GPS cable all the way from a convenient outside location into the equipment room and using other test equipment to work out the time difference. TimePort™ will demonstrate true innovation by enabling a time calibration service to be undertaken at less than 5% of the power, weight and size of transportable atomic clock current solutions.
Ease of use will be a key attribute enabling operation by non-skilled staff.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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