Shopper Marketing Platform

Lead Participant: SPONGE LIMITED


Shoppers today consume content, research, share notes and purchase across an ever-growing variety of channels and devices. As their journey becomes increasingly non-linear, manufacturers and retailers are struggling to track or communicate effectively with individual customers.
This project will help brands meet this challenge in a manner that:
a) drives down costs and increases speed to market;
b) allows more productive exploitation of existing infrastructure;
c) maintains and reinforces their ownership of customer data.
The platform we develop will consist of three parts: the first will identify a particular
consumer action; the second will evaluate that action against available data and defined
contextual parameters; and the third will deliver the most appropriate response via the most
relevant channel. The first component will accept various inputs from our own or 3rd party
channels: a SMS message or code entry, a voucher scan, the device’s location. Any computer system will be able to submit data to our web gateway over a standard API.
The second component will consider the input and compile the data to respond according to a series of pre-defined contextual factors. These may be as simple as the time or date; or as dynamic as the customer's prior purchases, their social history or stock availability. The platform may hold this information or will access it via API into third party CRM or ERP
systems. From the above, the platform's decision engine will generate a response: a win/lose message, a piece of content, a link to a social network, or a voucher. This output may be delivered via SMS, email, a website or other application. Again, these delivery systems need not be under Sponge's control.
The platform will include full reporting and real-time management tools via a user-friendly
interface, giving brands 24/7 oversight and allowing non-technical personnel to create and
refine programmes quickly and efficiently.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SPONGE LIMITED £569,012 £ 210,000




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