An artificial intelligence (AI) Macular Disease treatment decision tool for patients with wet age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular oedema, and retinal vein occlusion.

Lead Participant: MACUSOFT LTD


Three common diseases affect the centre of the back of the eye and cause devastating loss of vision and blindness: i) wet Age- related Macular Degeneration (AMD); ii) Diabetic Macula Oedema (DMO), and; iii). Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO).

Recent breakthroughs in imaging of the eye and in treatments have transformed the outcome for patients with these diseases, most notably through intravitreal injections. However, there has been a staggering increase in the need for these injections, caused by our ageing population and the rise in lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes. As a result, there aren't enough qualified and trained clinicians to provide these important treatments. Delays are occurring for patients leading to a rise in cases of sight loss, and health systems are struggling to keep up with demand.

Macusoft will use sophisticated software to automate and support the way in which patients are recommended for treatment, enabling ophthalmologists to spend more of their time on administering sight-preserving treatments to patients who need them. This will ensure that more patients are treated in a timely manner, and that more permanent sight loss is prevented. The software will be rigorously tested so that we know it works well, is accurate and is safe.

This software will allow more patients to be seen and treated, helping overburdened eye clinics to deal with the increased demand for their services.

Our research plan is to develop the software, to test it with a controlled research study so that we know it works well, is accurate and is safe. Once tested it will then be made available for use across the NHS and worldwide, helping many more patients to receive the treatment they need.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

MACUSOFT LTD £169,994 £ 135,995


MACULAR SOCIETY £4,320 £ 4,320


10 25 50