Intelligent Breast Cancer DiagnOsis and MonItoring Therapeutic Response Training Network (CanDoIt)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: School of Engineering


CanDoIt will show how a smart multimodal multi-physic sensor array associated with DNA oligonucleotides and their peptide nucleic acid (PNAs) analogues dedicated for liquid biopsies analysis has the potential for more accurate diagnostic and treatment monitoring of BC through the study of cutting-edge technologies in bio/nanomaterials, sensors and transducers design, fluidics systems, and artificial intelligence. The CanDoIt objectives are to: (1) Train the excellent next generation researchers for interdisciplinary careers in basic, applied and especially translational BC research and with "raising awareness" on social issues; (2) Develop cutting-edge technologies for BC diagnosis and monitoring therapeutic response by bringing together eminent experts from both industry and academia, including engineers, computational scientists, chemists, physicists, and clinicians; (3) Pursue key biological targets through intelligent methods, all the way from early stage to preclinical and clinical investigation; (4) In addition to respond to the BC issue, the intelligent biosystems proposed will be a real technological advance (breakthrough), thanks to the association of different transducers to go towards a multimodal platform, the association of structured nanomaterials inspired by living world and an implementation of intelligent algorithms for optimal analysis; (5) Build a high-impact structure ensuring multi-level dissemination and exploitation of all results.


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