Project Fair - Expanding At Scale

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Business School


Human resource (HR) policies and practices within INGOs can be problematic for experiences of inequality amongst employees and within aid recipient communities. Early research examined dual salary systems (paying national and international staff on different salary/benefits scales). Such systems have been found to trigger demotivation, injustice, and disengagement at work. Project Fair offers a series of resources (including case studies, a toolkit, policy advice and branding) to share practices of what works (and doesn't) for structuring pay in fairer ways. We provide unique practical and research expertise in order to help organisations make decisions about pay. Ongoing research has focused on the role of HR managers as change makers in INGOs, as well as interrogating options for structuring pay and reward. Project Fair has attracted a network of over 100 international organisations actively interested in shifting reward to be fairer, and positioning reward within the broader diversity and inclusion context. This network is active and growing. We have co-produced a set of Principles and Standards of Fair INGO Reward which are actively being used by numerous organisations to structure their reward. Beyond pay we look at other components of diversity, equity and inclusion, recognising that pay is just one manifestation of inequality, with increasing evidence that other inequalities can be reinforced by existing HR structures.


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