Smart Occupational Health Service

Lead Participant: CASE-UK LIMITED


The Smart Occupational Health Services app aims to improve the uptake of these services among SME, micro-organisations as well as the self-employed.

A key innovative aspect of our project is the use of advanced artificial intelligent algorithms and models to score assessments and match users to specialist occupational health service providers. This will ensure a more personalised approach and increase the likelihood of users accessing services and specific interventions that meets their requirements.

Employers and their individual employees will be the focus of our approach. A self-assessment will ask them to provide perception of needs and then the app will match these to an appropriate intervention. Employers will receive anonymised survey data and recommendations for securing relevant occupational health services from our comprehensive UK wide directory. For example for mental health talking therapies, new starter health screening, role specific medicals, musculoskeletal, ergonomics, virtual clinics, reasonable adjustment recommendations, and more. Assessments can be conducted overtime to track and respond to emerging needs.

We will adopt an incremental development approach where we will:

1. Develop simple, quick models for benchmarking and testing before exploring more advanced models.
2. Develop scoring criteria in consultation with occupational health experts.
3. Refine machine learning recommender systems using the platform's assessment data.
4. Use machine supervised learning approaches where we will train, validate and test datasets labelled by an occupational health specialist.
5. Apply advanced artificial intelligent techniques including 'ChatGPT's' to understand user data and cluster users together based on their similarities to help identify the right occupational health services.
6. Ensure ongoing user retention systems where artificial intelligence will use responses to assessment questions tracking user data over time to optimise recommended solutions.
7. Widely consult employers and individuals to develop a compelling and friendly user interface.

Our platform will tackle different aspects of the challenge by providing a personalised approach to occupational health services, increasing accessibility and leveraging existing data to continuously improve our models. This integrated solution ensures that users receive the best possible occupational health service experience and that our models continue to improve over time.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CASE-UK LIMITED £99,646 £ 99,646




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