Exploring the roles of ocean circulation and orbital forcing on palaeoceanographic conditions in the southern Tethys during the Late Cretaceous

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Earth Sciences


For much of Earth history atmospheric CO2 levels and average global temperatures are thought to have been much higher than present. These periods of time are known as 'greenhouse' climates. The Cretaceous (145 to 65 million years ago) was an extreme end-member of a greenhouse climate. Then the climate was much warmer than it is today; there was little or no polar ice and sea-levels were high. In polar areas, like Alaska and Antarctica, which are cold today, dinosaurs, crocodiles and tropical plants flourished. The Cretaceous ocean was also sensitive to changes in oxygen concentration, and, at times, became completely devoid of oxygen over widespread areas (so-called 'oceanic anoxic events' or OAEs). The controls on Cretaceous warmth and the links between the greenhouse climate and short-duration events, such as OAEs, are not well understood. Two factors are likely to have been important over different timescales. Over long-timescales (millions of years), changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the position of the continents are major drivers of climate. The positions of the continents can affect patterns of ocean circulation, which control the movement of heat around the Earth surface, and the storage of heat in the interior of the ocean. In the modern world, surface water sinks to great depths in the oceans in high-latitude regions and then fills the deepest parts of the ocean basins. This formation of deep-water masses provides oxygen throughout much of the ocean. However, in times of extreme warmth, such as the Cretaceous, it is uncertain whether these processes were operational, with implications for both climate and ocean environments. Using the new deep-sea sediment cores collected during Expedition 369, this project will use an element (neodymium) as a tracer for deep-water masses in the Late Cretaceous, which will allow us to determine where deep-water was coming from (high or low latitudes?), whether these sources changed through time as the continents moved and the relationships between water mass sources and other climatic and environmental phenomena, such as OAEs.

On shorter-time scales of 10s to 100s of thousands of years, climate is controlled by variations in Earth's orbit. These variations effect the seasonal and geographic distribution of energy from the sun and the total amount of energy the planet receives, all of which can lead to climatic oscillations. Investigating the signature of these climatic cycles can help understand which processes on Earth were important in controlling regional climates in the past. Furthermore, because each cycle type has a characteristic duration, counting cycles can be used to determine the amount of time represented by a given thickness of sediment on the sea floor. This in turn can help refine the geological time scale by providing accurate estimates of the amount of time that elapsed between key points in the geological record, such as the evolution and extinction of certain organisms. This project will make measurements of the chemical and physical characteristics of the sediment cores from Expedition 369 at extremely high-resolution (more than 50 measurements per m) over 10s to 100s of meters. These data can then be analysed to determine how many cycles are present and of what type.

Planned Impact

The proposed research will benefit interested academics, people in the hydrocarbon industry, educationalists and the general public. The named PDRA will also benefit.

Academics will benefit from the provision of new data from a little-studied area of the world. These data may be used to enhance existing models and ideas of how the Earth System operated during the Cretaceous and, thus, are of relevance to understanding how the climate system works more broadly. Additionally, the proposed research may lead to a refinement of the geological timescale, which is of benefit to everyone working on the Mesozoic Era of Earth's history. Academics will be engaged with via academic conferences and publications.

The hydrocarbon industry will be interested in the outcomes of the research as they will provide insights into the controls on ocean chemistry during the Cretaceous that led to the formation of organic-rich deposits, which ultimately become hydrocarbons in some settings. The revision of the geological timescale is also useful to this group in terms of stratigraphic correlations and constraining the timing of events such as tectonic movements, basin history, and hydrocarbon development. This group will be engaged with primarily through the academic literature and conferences.

Educationalists and the general public are often interested in scientific drilling as an endeavour in itself and palaeoclimate research. We will engage with these groups via the outreach activities of IODP and UKIODP (including live broadcasts from the ship) and through the schools outreach work of the Department of Earth Sciences in Oxford.

The PDRA will benefit from developing her skills in project management and scientific independence.


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Description This project was focused on identifying controls on ocean environments during the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene (~100 to 30 million years ago) using new sediment cores taken from the deep-sea in the southern Indian Ocean near southwest Australia in 2017. Two aspects were investigated - long-term changes in ocean circulation patterns and shorter-term variations in climate caused by orbital forcing. Changes in the Earth's orbit cause variations in the amount of energy received from the sun which can lead to rhythmic changes in climate. To investigate the potential role of orbital cycles on climate, oceanography and sedimentation, high resolution chemical records have been obtained through XRF-scanning of sediment cores. Statistical analyses of the elemental records revealed the orbital pacing of climate, which has been used to refine the geologic time scale for the Eocene. Rhythmic changes in colour and chemistry of mid-Cretaceous sediments may reveal the timing of oceanographic changes leading to a sudden widespread lack of oxygen in the ocean. To investigate changes in ocean circulation, the chemistry of fossil fish teeth has been used to identify where deep water masses originated during the Cretaceous and Paleogene and how sources changed through time. Preliminary data indicate that mid-Cretaceous and late Eocene water-mass signatures southwest of Australia were in the range of limited data available from the southern Indian Ocean, but hint at a different timing of water-mass changes. Future work on the long and relatively continuous records recovered in 2017 may allow to track the evolution of bottom-water circulation in the high southern latitudes with unprecedented resolution.
Exploitation Route The findings provide initial indications of the scales of different processes occurring during the Late Cretaceous and the Paleogene and will form a useful basis for further more detailed research and integration of the data with results from other international researchers working on the same materials.

The cores provide new insights into high-latitude ocean and climate processes in the geological past - a topic of interest to the general public, environmental scientists and educators. Additionally the work impacts on our understanding of the relationships between climate, oceanography and organic carbon burial in the geological record and is therefore of interest to the hydrocarbon sector.
Sectors Education





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