Aero engine electrical fan performance for boundary layer ingestion applications

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of Aerospace, Transport & Manufact


The project will investigate 'Boundary Layer Ingestion' (BLI) technology as a means to improve aircraft performance. A key enabling technology for such configurations is the introduction of a number of electrically driven fans as the main propulsion system which are installed in a fully- or semi-embedded manner on the aircraft's fuselage. Although BLI technologies have potential benefits, a key challenge is in understanding if a net benefit to overall aircraft performance can be achieved given the increased complexity of fan design required for these benefits to be realised.
The aim of the project is to develop a robust methodology to assess the impact of the flow distortions arising from embedded engine installation on the design and performance an electric fan configuration. The work will encompass 3D computational fluid dynamic studies as well as the development of reduced order models to assess the aerodynamic impact of BLI driven flow distortion on the fan system's design and performance. The overall aim will be to incorporate aerodynamic and propulsion models into an aircraft performance tool and make an assessment of the potential benefits of BLI on future aircraft performance.


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publication icon
Logothetis D (2022) Drag decomposition of a subsonic wing via a far-field, exergy-based method in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/P510464/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
2202885 Studentship EP/P510464/1 04/12/2017 03/12/2021 Dimitrios Logothetis
Description Updated title of the project: Closely-coupled engine-aircraft integration using wake recuperation methods.

The PhD has submitted and succesfully finished.

Propellers mounted at wing-tip region are investigated as a potential architecture to mitigate the airframe's lift-induced drag. The aim of the work is to develop guidelines for wing-propellers integration that exploit wake energy, aiming to enhance the aerodynamic efficiency of the coupled system.
The coupled system's aero-propulsive efficiency has been assessed via an exergy-based method which is initially applied on an un-powered wing configuration, that is with no propulsion system in place. For the cases where no propulsive force is present, the system's net forces represent the total drag of the wing. The method decomposes the aircraft's drag into its physical components which is determined by the energetic status of the wake. Thus, the amount of energy that can be potentially harvested from the system's wake is also determined. For powered cases whereby a propulsion system is installed, the method quantifies the net propulsive power absorbed by the aircraft and the losses, which are classified into reversible and irreversible phenomena. The coupled system efficiency is then evaluated based on the recoverable amount of loss within the wake.
The exergy-based analysis is demonstrated on two different configurations of low-speed wings for several angles of attack with no propulsion system in place (unpowered configuration). Results indicate that the recoverable energy of the wing's drag, induced by the wingtip vortex is approximatelly the 30% to 70% of the total wake, due to drag losses. The aforementioned number depends on the angle of attack and the wing configuration.

For the coupled, wing-propeller system, exergy analysis applied across a range of design and operating parameters. Energy recovery potential was evaluated for the wingtip mounted configuration against a more conventional installation where the propulsive device was inboard mounted. Results showed that the benefits of the coupled, wingtip mounted case can vary from 3% to 17% depending on the thrust rating, propulsive device diameter and radial distribution of torque and thrust.
Exploitation Route In this study we propose a novel methodology that will enable an integrated aerodynamic assessment of closely-coupled architectures, with a special interest on the wingtip mounted propellers. Current trends of the aerospace industry show a notable interest on the aforementioned goals on applications such as the electric distributed propulsion and air-taxis. The quantification of the benefits that the proposed propulsion system could offer, will provide answers to the industry and the research community regarding the value of further investigations. In addition, after the completion of this work, guidelines will be established towards the design of engines and airframes in a more integrated manner to further improve the system efficiency. More specifically, the analysis of the flow phenomena, via the exergy-based method, that affect the total drag of the wing and the nacelle will define the requirements of optimised designs. Furthermore, design requirements of propulsive devices that recover the system's mechanical energy losses will be established. These specific goals will have a critical impact on future investigations to address the established environmental targets, for short and medium range aircrafts, via technologies such as the electric distributed propulsion.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine