Approvals and demonstration of hydrogen infrastructure at depots


The project will support the in-service fleet deployment of hydrogen-powered trains by addressing the design, safety case and approvals for hydrogen refuelling at depots.

This project will develop a demonstration and the safety case for a fully integrated hydrogen supply, storage and fast-fill refuelling solution and help establish the principles for regulatory approvals for depot refuelling. The case study will be used to develop a concept of operations and architecture for hydrogen train refuelling.

This project builds on existing experience at Arcola Energy in hydrogen system integration, installation and risk assessment and combines that with subcontractor Abbott Risk Consulting's experience of Rail safety case and approvals for both rolling stock and infrastructure. Aegis are subcontracting Assessment Body to review the risk assessment process.

The key innovation is the translation of experience in the road transport sector to refuelling at rail depot and the first of a kind demonstration of fast-fill train hydrogen refuelling approaches and protocols. As well as the safety case the project will develop a more general concept of operations for depot hydrogen refuelling and designs for infrastructure architecture and the train interface.

The overall objective is to provide a significant step forward for the UK rail industry in developing the understanding and approvals processes required to deploy fleets of hydrogen trains with refuelling

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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