Plastic Packaging Portal (PPP)

Lead Participant: OPRL LIMITED


The project will build an open data standard and prototype portal spanning the complete plastic packaging life-cycle, from design to recycling/reuse.

This project will reduce the impact that plastic packaging has on the environment by:

\*Making it easier for citizens to know how to properly recycle their plastic packaging and make informed choices;

\*Provide accurate, useful data to manufacturers and retailers at the point of product development so they can make better material and design decisions with end of life in mind;

\*Help policy makers and regulators monitor progress towards recycling and Plastic Pact targets and inform future measures.

To enable this the project will deliver five main outputs:

1. Prototype open data standard for plastic packaging;
2. Prototype portal to enable the reporting of the format and composition of plastic packaging being placed on the UK market;
3. Extension of the current open data standard on HWRCs to cover all geographical recycling points for plastic packaging;
4. Prototype portal to enable the reporting of all recycling points (local authority and commercial) for plastics packaging;
5. Clear plan for the next phase including determining the correct governance and financial sustainability models.

Initially focused on plastic packaging, the design will be such that other materials can be added in the future. The initial focus on plastics will enable the targets of the Plastics Pact to be met, address public concern over the use of plastic materials in the environment, and support each part of the value chain to comply with their obligations under Extended Producer Responsibility and Plastics Packaging Tax.

The project team, led by OPRL, brings together a highly skilled multi-disciplinary team of professionals with the necessary expertise and reach across the entire value chain. We will work with a wide range of stakeholders along the whole plastics packaging value chain to ensure our solution works for all.

Key benefits include:

\* Easy to use update mechanisms to ensure that the data is not a one-time snapshot of the circular economy, but a reliable, up to date description of its current state, updateable by key stakeholders;

\* Management information and support for analysis providing a range of different queries on the data -- specifically queries showing progress against the Plastics Pact targets;

\* Robust and secure data control measures to safeguard commercially sensitive data while ensuring as much data as possible is available for sharing among stakeholders or published to the open to increase collaboration and transparency.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



ECOSURETY LIMITED £6,660 £ 3,996
DSPOSAL LTD £57,420 £ 40,194


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