Nature Stages



'Engagement with the natural environment has wide ranging physical, emotional, social and cognitive benefits for all age groups' (The People and Nature Survey for England 2020).

Children who spend time outdoors learn to love nature and grow up wanting to protect it. But today's children are spending more time indoors than ever before and are becoming disconnected from the natural world.

We want to create an extended reality (XR) product with accompanying experiences to encourage children to connect with nature.

In the three months to September 2021, nearly 200,000 young people have been referred to mental health services -- almost double pre-pandemic levels (Royal College of Psychiatrists).

In 2020, Natural England researched the perspective of children in relation to nature during Covid-19\. The research found that 83% of children agreed 'being in nature made them very happy'.

Additional benefits to children being outside include developing key skills for life, enhancing engagement with learning and building a better understanding of the environment.

"No one will protect what they don't care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced" (David Attenborough).

The 'Nature Connectedness Research Group' at the University of Derby, has worked with Natural England, National Trust, RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts. Their research proves 'the human relationship with the rest of nature is broken. To fix it we need a new more connected relationship that recognises that we are part of nature'.

Re-establishing children's connection to nature is essential: for the environment, for children's physical and mental health, and as part of a happy childhood.

Whether it's a patch of grass in a park, the trunk of a tree on a pavement or the corner of a garden, outdoor spaces offer children so many opportunities for play and learning.

We'll combine the wonders of the real world with the magic of the digital world, to reveal new portals for delivering games and media in the user's outdoor location. These live 'nature stages' will create special places for children to enjoy playing in, offering unique moments and shared memories. As the relationship grows with the locations and experiences, so too will the connection between children and nature.

In this early-stage project, our research and development work will help us to determine the viability, feasibility and desirability of our XR product. We'll take these findings to the next level of development.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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