A computational efficient masking friendly post-quantum signature scheme secure to side-channel-attack

Lead Participant: PQSHIELD LTD


Cryptographic signature schemes are integral to secure and automated distribution of software products/updates -- providing source authentication and proof-of-data integrity. However, existing schemes are based on mathematics vulnerable to quantum computer attack. With quantum computers now becoming a commercial reality, there is an **urgent need for quantum-secure signatures**.

Whilst a first-generation of post-quantum (PQ) cryptography standards are emerging, these do not consider broader security threats and are vulnerable to side-channel-attack (SCA) -- whereby private data is inferred by monitoring executional parameters. Although masking countermeasures can be retrospectively applied, these are computationally intensive, resulting in an exponential increase in overhead with masking order.

Designed using innovative subroutine building blocks that either don't require masking, or can be masked in quasi-linear time, **Raccoon is** **a world's first PQ signature scheme delivering a computationally efficient 10-fold increase in resistance to SCA**.

Raccoon **eliminates the need to compromise between efficiency and security**, and is viable for resource constrained platforms, such as mobile/IoT devices.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PQSHIELD LTD £496,910 £ 347,837


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