InteNZ - Intelligent Net Zero




Intelligent Net Zero, is platform for planning and continually assuring the pathway for NetZero transition of building portfolios.

The requirement for wholesale Netzero transition of building portfolios is well known: "_28.6m homes, 1.9m non-residential_ _Buildings, will require £58 - £200bn investment, Economic net benefit to the renovation sector 10x"_

The InteNZ project will address the problem by breaking the problem down into four sub problems

1. Building portfolio performance audit
2. Building portfolio transition planning
3. Building portfolio transition delivery
4. Building portfolio performance evaluation

IntenNZ will directly address points 1,2 and 4 the combination of which implicitly evaluates (continually assures) the effectiveness of 3 - the executed transition.

**IntenNZ Portfolio Audit (IPA)**

The quality of the transition strategy is entirely dependent on the quality of the data provided on the original housing stock. The EPC certificates and SAP evaluation process provide a start, but the issues are well known.

The IPA will augment our understanding of the current portfolio

* Surveys: complements and extends our understanding of the property
* Data fusion: can overlay data sets e.g. Lidar, orientation
* Sensors: sensors deployed in property help understand performance and in life usage
* Interpolation: infill "unknown" property characteristics using archetypes

**IntenNZ Portfolio Planning (IPP)**

Determining the appropriate interventions for each property and the order of interventions are complex problems. Factors to be considered:

* Property status (audit) fabric/configuration/energy supply
* Current and future estimated cost of energy/resources/labour
* Availability of equipment (supply chain) labour (training)
* Use of the property by occupier
* Need of the occupier (health, dependents etc)
* Efficacy of intervention (cost impact trade off of insulation for example)

IPP uses a multi factor AI powered optimisation algorithm.

**IntenNZ Portfolio Audit (IPD)**

The delivery itself is out of scope. But the planning informs what will be done and the evaluation measures if it has been done correctly (assurance).

**IntenNZ Portfolio Audit (IPE)**

The industry standard PAS 2035 evaluation method shall be complemented by low cost sensor deployments, which will either be deployed to individual properties or property archetypes, to provide reliable longitudinal feedback.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



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