Green Economy Transition



Newham Council has ambitious targets to become carbon neutral by 2030, and to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050\. There is a clear political commitment set out in the 2022 Corporate Plan, _Building a Fairer Newham_, with priorities and actions targeted to achieve this ambition, including the priority to support transition towards a green, inclusive economy. The recently completed Green Economy Action Plan sets out the case, strategic opportunity, and potential next steps to enabling a Green Economy (GE) in Newham. It underlines that over the next decade, Newham's economy must transition to one that delivers for people and the planet. Failure to do so will inhibit the borough's ability to meet net zero targets, and leave residents unprepared to face an uncertain future with limited ability to benefit from emerging opportunities.

Our programme proposes an innovative participatory approach using mixed methods and research in behavioural psychology, to build long-term governance and capacity to achieve long-term systemic change. It will work across the Council and with diverse businesses and communities to understand the barriers to uptaking sustainable practices, to understand and challenge perceptions, and to collectively build a transition plan.

This will incorporate four key programmes of work: two of these (resource and governance, and enabling, empowering and encouraging behaviour change amongst residents and businesses) focus on communications, engagement and governance to enable long-term socio-technical change. The other two (enhancing Newham's strategic influence in the GE, and building wider skills and capacity to deliver) focus on how changes to regulation, policy, technical guidance and skills can quickly build capacity for change.

Alongside this work, supported by Fast Followers access to technical expertise, the programme will explore the potential of sector-specific Green Economy catalyst hubs to build and respond to locally-relevant opportunities in the Green Economy.

The GE Lead recruited in this programme will play a senior, strategic role in the local authority, reporting directly to the Director of Community Wealth Building and working closely with the Director of Climate Action to provide leadership and advocacy at the heart of the organisation. From this place and by working closely with UEL to deliver a pioneering and innovative programme of engagement and capacity-building, the officer will enable long-term system and cultural change within LBN and across the borough necessary for a meaningful transition towards a green economy.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM £190,775 £ 190,775


UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON £109,217 £ 109,217


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