TEMPEST: Next Generation Multiple Architecture Battery Systems for Industry

Lead Participant: UNIVERSITY OF BATH


To date, most modern, off-the-shelf battery designs targeting lightweight application use lithium-ion technology. This is due to the fact that other existing technologies such as NiMH and Pb:Acid are often too heavy, leading to energy densities inferior to those of Li-Ion technologies. New technologies must improve upon energy density, whilst also employing green, recyclable designs and avoiding the use of critical raw materials. In addition, the rapid increase in the number of electrified vehicles, especially those employing fast-charging systems, has lead to an increasing load on energy generation systems. During periods of mass travel (for example, during the summer vacation season), this can lead to severe loading. It is therefore important to consider the whole of the electric vehicle system – not only at the vehicle level, but also at the infrastructure level. Europe is very strong in terms of its capacity to produce final products (such as EVs and stationary storage systems), but is weaker when considering its capacity to produce and use raw materials, advanced materials, and equipment for manufacturing cells. The overarching of goal of the TEMPEST project is to develop and mature a new generation of safe by-design, recyclable, high-performance, and lightweight batteriesfor the largest possible swath of transport applications. TEMPEST will bring to TRL5 advanced, module-free battery systems, optimized using AI algorithms, and based on both LIC and SSC cell chemistries through three different demonstrator batteries types (compact, large-scale, and stationary) selected as representative batteries for the range of use case applications targeted (automotive, aircraft, maritime, rail, and stationary). TEMPEST has access to direct capacity to scale results.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

UNIVERSITY OF BATH £422,759 £ 422,759


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