Cyber hygiene self-assessment maturity tool



Cyber hygiene is defined as the practices that should be implemented and carried out regularly to protect users and businesses online. Cyber security is crucial for empowering small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as cyber incidents are the number one technology threat to businesses, involving severe disruptions or can potentially lead to closure. This is because most SMEs face substantial challenges in terms of the capability and resources to plan and implement cyber security-related practices, and existing solutions mainly target large corporations and require significant resources.

This project will develop a novel cyber hygiene self-assessment maturity tool to empower SMEs to improve their cyber posture. The tool will support continuous and dynamic cyber hygiene assessment and a progressive maturity score that will support organisations to track their maturity progress over a period of time, providing a comprehensive (IT, processes, operation) assessment focusing on all elements of an SME that generate revenue for the organisation. The tool will feature recommendations and specific guidance in plain language so that it is understood by SME managers and does not require the hiring of external consultants or experts to implement the relevant cyber hygiene practices.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX £26,703 £ 26,703


10 25 50