Data/AI Secure-by-Design Orchestration Platform (DAISOR)
Lead Participant:
The transition of business to digital operations, known as Digital transformation (DX), is leveraging data and AI as cloud services. Yet, existing cloud technologies do not support businesses to maintain the privacy and security of their data and AI, particularly when using multiple clouds.
Our innovation will give businesses, particularly those of limited cloud resources such as SMEs, the ability to preserve the privacy and security of their data and AI workflows in a flexible manner, while better utilising their limited resources in combination with those from subscription(s) to external clouds. DAISOR is a user-friendly web service that allows developers (particularly data scientists) to focus on what matters to them in defining the privacy and security semantics they wish to maintain along with the desired behaviour of their AI application, without having to deal with the cloud orchestration tasks. Unlike existing technologies, through novel orchestration functions and interaction with multiple clouds, DAISOR provides a secure-by-design deployment of AI applications and their needed data, without compromising privacy requirements and with security checks tailored to business intents. Our technology will enable privacy-preservant and secure (re)usability even of sensitive data, to ensure adequate supply of needed data to AI-assisted digital ecosystems.
Our innovation will give businesses, particularly those of limited cloud resources such as SMEs, the ability to preserve the privacy and security of their data and AI workflows in a flexible manner, while better utilising their limited resources in combination with those from subscription(s) to external clouds. DAISOR is a user-friendly web service that allows developers (particularly data scientists) to focus on what matters to them in defining the privacy and security semantics they wish to maintain along with the desired behaviour of their AI application, without having to deal with the cloud orchestration tasks. Unlike existing technologies, through novel orchestration functions and interaction with multiple clouds, DAISOR provides a secure-by-design deployment of AI applications and their needed data, without compromising privacy requirements and with security checks tailored to business intents. Our technology will enable privacy-preservant and secure (re)usability even of sensitive data, to ensure adequate supply of needed data to AI-assisted digital ecosystems.
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX | £25,133 | £ 25,133 |
People |
Mays ALNaday (Project Manager) |