Publishing People – Investigating AI’s ability to preserve - and facilitate interaction with - the knowledge, experience and specialism of industry experts

Lead Participant: EDEN FIFTYONE LTD


2022 research by the UK's National Education Union has found that nearly half of all teachers \[a staggering 44%\] plan to leave the profession by 2027 and that 'over half of teachers say their workload is either 'unmanageable' or 'unmanageable most of the time' \[up from 35% in 2021\]. The loss of these skilled-practitioners deprives experience, knowledge, resources and specialism from the education profession: affecting over 10 million young people and 1000s more inexperienced teachers, who will never benefit from their tutelage, in the UK alone.

This project will explore AI as an innovative vehicle for the 'publication' and subsequent 'preservation' of professional people: serving both the creative \[publishing\] industry and sectors with current/predicted skilled-labour shortages.

This proposed work will seek to embed the expertise of one experienced practitioner into existing edtech platform, EdenFiftyOne. The person in focus for this 'feasibility study' is a former English teacher, teacher-trainer and UK Specialist Leader of Education with 20 years' experience and a track-record of success in raising standards of secondary teaching, learning and assessment. Tom Reynolds is also the founder/CEO of the award-winning 'EdenFiftyOne' edtech platform.

EdenFiftyOne \[EFO\] promotes 51 universal skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening: the skills that under-pin the teaching, learning and assessment of English language and literacy education across the globe.

Whilst the EFO platform clarifies, monitors and tracks the 51 skills \[providing a clear picture of progress/priorities for teachers and students\], Tom Reynolds is frequently asked to 'teach' the skills, in person, for the benefit of teachers and students, at schools across the country and, more recently, internationally, via remote means. Feedback and testimonials from EFO users have even suggested that the platform would truly benefit from 'having Tom inside it'.

This feasibility study will digitalize selected aspects of Tom Reynolds' skill-based English teaching, as promoted by the EFO platform. Embedding a closed-AI interface within EFO, will enable any number of teachers and learners to access \[and interact with\] his knowledge, experience and sector-specialism, from anywhere, at any time and to an unlimited degree.

In the absence of sector specialists, this concept will help to 'up-skill' the less-confident, less-experienced, less-specialist and those for whom physical access is limited. Once this concept has been proven, the creative sector will have a blue-print for AI as an innovative vehicle and contemporary format for the publishing industry: 'the publishing and preserving of people'.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

EDEN FIFTYONE LTD £23,791 £ 23,791




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