Simplifying ERTMS Installation - ATLAS Solutions by Enable My team

Lead Participant: MOBIBIZ LTD


Utilising a combination of the cutting-edge solutions, ATLAS and ATLAS Lens, as well as our newly developed cable tracking device, Enable My Team's (EMT) proposed solution will improve accuracy, speed, and reduce costs for installation of ERTMS related equipment.

ATLAS and ATLAS Lens have been developed and rigorously tested over the past few years in close collaboration with Network Rail in the UK. These products have proven to be capable of being deployed as an effective, low-cost solution for capturing and processing lineside asset information. The system uses a combination of Lidar scanning and Front Facing Video (FFV) technologies integrated within our train-bourne ATLAS Lens hardware. Data is then automatically transmitted and processed via our web-based platform, ATLAS. All captured and processed data can then be easily accessed for viewing and interrogation via an easy-to-use interface that overlays key data on a GIS map. Underpinning ATLAS is EMT AIMS (Asset Information Management System). AIMS is our original and market-proven asset management solution that allows users to maintain structured data, validate against customisable schemas and templates, manage revisions and track changes, whilst building up a full auditable record of the data.

The secondary component of EMT's solution involves the integration of our latest development, a smart cable tracking device capable or tracking and recording the route of newly laid cables to centimetre levels of accuracy. The device is designed to adapt to all common cable laying processes and does not disturb these processes or require any significant setup or adaption. Once deployed, the device can automatically capture the direct position of laid cable (single and multiple) and is not restricted by light conditions or require post processing of recorded data. A companion app is also available to both instantly review live positional data updated in ATLAS, as well as options to add additional metadata, photographic evidence, and verification.

By combining these two solutions, EMT proposes a balanced and versatile system that can provide measured improvement to the accuracy and speed of installing ERTMS related equipment. The solution will also provide the added benefit of simplifying data management and mitigate safety risks through automation and reducing boots on the ground.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

MOBIBIZ LTD £195,179 £ 195,179




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