LINQED - Linked Ion traps for Networked Quantum Entanglement Distribution



Quantum technologies will revolutionise sensing, secure communications, and computing. A compelling vision for this technology is a network of quantum enhanced devices, combining the capability of each constituent node, and extending the range over which they operate. To exploit this upcoming technological revolution and to maintain its national security, the UK must cement its position as a global technology leader by building the capacity to manufacture critical components for future quantum networks. This project develops the core of what will be a sizeable and fully domestic supply chain for quantum networks.

Photonic interconnects are the optimal route to quantum networks as photons can be transmitted over long distances whilst maintaining their quantum properties. A critical component of quantum networks will be nodes that can interface between photons and atomic systems. Trapped ions are one of the most promising platforms for quantum computing, sensing and atomic clocks, and have yielded the best quantum logic operations to date. The fact that these systems can also conveniently interface with single photons via a range of optical transitions makes them exceptionally well-suited for quantum networking.

LINQED (Linked Ion traps for Networked Quantum Entanglement Distribution) will enable the UK to become a global supplier of compact ion-trap systems which will become commodity components for existing and future quantum networks. This will be achieved by commissioning a novel vacuum processing station at ColdQuanta UK, which will enable the production of compact ion-trap systems. Network capable ion traps will be developed and fabricated by world leaders in quantum networking at the Ion Trap Quantum Computing group at the University of Oxford. World experts in micro-machining Oxford Lasers will develop processes for integrating signal delivery which are vital for scalability. All three partners are working together on related projects and via this proposal we aim to strengthen our partnership and create further business opportunities for both companies.

A state-of-the-art quality assurance station will be developed for system performance characterisation. This will enable comprehensive characterisation of ion trap systems, providing metrics such as motional heating rate which are of critical importance for quantum 2.0 technologies. The outcomes of this project will enable the UK to become a world-leader in manufacturing of critical quantum systems which have sufficient SWAP to be utilised as a core component of existing and future quantum networks.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

COLDQUANTA UK LIMITED £1,783,838 £ 1,070,303


UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD £620,692 £ 620,692
OXFORD LASERS LIMITED £474,032 £ 284,419


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