SUNRISE: Safe and sUstainable by desigN: IntegRated approaches for Impact aSsessment of advanced matErials


SUNRISE will develop an overarching Integrated Impact Assessment Framework (IIAF) designed to support SSbD decision making along lifecycle stages and value chains of advanced materials (AdMa) and their products. The IIAF will be a 3-tiered approach with each tier corresponding to an integrated methodology for health, environmental, social and economic impact assessment (supported by a toolbox) targeting a different group of users at different stages of the innovation process and requiring a different level of data and expertise. To enable these methodologies to account for stakeholder trade-offs in decision making, we will develop them in a co creative processthat balancesthe perspectives and interests of key actorsfrom industry (including SMEs), regulation, policy, consultancy, academia, and the civil society. To facilitate cost-efficient generation of input data for the IIAF, we will develop and apply Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA), New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), as well as screening level and more advanced sustainability assessment tools based on Environmental and Social Lifecycle Assessment, Lifecycle Costing, and Circularity Analysis. The IIAF, its integrated impact assessment methodologies and the toolbox of newly proposed methods and tools will be provided as an Open & FAIR web platform, including a database, designed to support impacts-based decision making for future AdMa. These outcomes will be tested and demonstrated in industrially relevant case studies. The goal is to foster acceptance and support for the IIAF platform and the newly developed approaches to ensure their adoption and implementation by the stakeholders. The new knowledge generated in the project will be transferred to public authorities at the EU and national levels to support them in the implementation of SSbD-related policies for chemicals and materials based on improved understanding of potential safety and sustainability trade-offs.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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