Node Zero - a wave powered ocean observation system

Lead Participant: PURE MARINE GEN LTD


Using the renewable energy available on ocean waves to provide power at sea for ocean observation activities offers a solution with lower operational costs and significant reductions in carbon emissions, while enabling the expansion of mission durations and capabilities.

The goal of "Node Zero" is to develop the first of a global network of next- generation wave- powered, data collection Buoys and Marine Autonomous Systems hubs being developed by UK and Canadian companies at the leading edge of the next ocean technology revolution. "Node Zero" will be developed to provide oceanographic data to both National Research Council and COVE's Digital Harbour, support autonomous underwater vehicle charging, and contribute to digital twinning solutions. Field trials of the new system, in particular at Queens University Belfast's marine test site, will demonstrate the capabilities and support customer engagement activities.

UK companies PicSea and Pure Marine Gen will collaborate with Canadian companies GRi Simulations and Compusult to develop the hardware, communications, data platforms and digital twin simulations that will position the companies to offer new products and services to the rapidly growing ocean observation sector, in particular for offshore wind projects, where autonomous vehicles and renewable energy powered systems will overcome problems of bottlenecks in the supply chain for specialist vessels and the pursuits of net zero solutions.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PURE MARINE GEN LTD £415,565 £ 290,896




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