REPLENISH: Repair and Evaluation of aerospace Products LinE side, Near wing, and In SHop
Lead Participant:
REPLENISH will develop a portfolio of maintenance, repair, inspection, sensing, and digital twinning techniques predominately to support Rolls-Royce's civil fleet through improved time on-wing and reduced in-shop costs. Rolls-Royce will lead the programme supported by the following best-in-class UK organisations: Clifton Photonics, BJR Systems, AddQual, i3D Robotics, MTC, and Universities of Nottingham, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cambridge, Manchester, and Southampton. The collaboration will develop, mature, test, verify, and demonstrate cutting-edge aftermarket servicing technologies including custom in-field robotics, adaptive-additive repairs, more-automated component inspection, novel on-engine health sensors, and Machine Learning methods for rapid decision making. Alongside underpinning more sustainable aftermarket care of Rolls-Royce's current aerospace fleet, initial development of servicing approaches for future architectures is planned.
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
ROLLS-ROYCE PLC | £24,007,512 | £ 11,574,022 |
  | ||
Participant |
ADDQUAL LTD | £799,120 | £ 559,384 |
UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM | £2,184,149 | £ 2,184,149 |
CLIFTON PHOTONICS LIMITED | £707,140 | £ 494,998 |
B.J.R. SYSTEMS LIMITED | £512,500 | £ 358,750 |
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM | £498,291 | £ 498,291 |
THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER | £608,597 | £ 608,597 |
I3D ROBOTICS LTD | £686,279 | £ 480,395 |
UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | £1,283,998 | £ 1,283,998 |
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE | £691,343 | £ 691,343 |
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON | £548,850 | £ 548,850 |
People |
Andy Norton (Project Manager) |