MaGIC Memory: Manufacturable Graphene Electronic Memory Devices in the UK

Lead Participant: PARAGRAF LIMITED


This is a disruptive project to develop a proof-of-concept, completely novel, semiconductor memory technology using a new class of ferroelectric materials complemented with graphene transistors.

To do this, Paragraf Ltd. will partner with Prof. Judith Driscoll's research group.

Paragraf Ltd., the world-leader in graphene semiconductor devices, has developed a new way to grow large-area graphene (up to 8-inch diameter so far) onto silicon wafers. This method therefore opens up the possibility of utilising the multi-trillion dollar silicon semiconductor infrastructure in around the world to make semiconductor devices.

Prof. Judith Driscoll's group at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge is a world-leader in creating novel ferroelectric materials with superior properties, suitable for current RAM and flash memory technologies.

We will start by fabricating graphene onto a silicon platform. We will subsequently deposit ferroelectric materials onto the graphene, and process the material stack into a graphene-ferroelectric field effect transistor (G-FeFET). We will test this proof-of-concept device against existing memory device specifications.

Graphene is very resistant to high temperatures, given its robustness. This will allow for ferroelectric material to be deposited at very high temperatures, facilitating very high material quality. Additionally, the very high electron mobility of graphene (10 times that of silicon) will allow for electrical current to get in and out of the created device faster.

We will use cutting-edge science to optimise the material properties of both the graphene and the ferroelectric material. This optimisation involves controlling the deposition, the processing, etc. This will be challenging. We will subsequently fabricate memory devices created from this new material combination, and benchmark them against existing memory devices. This project goes from basic science through to real applications.

We aim to make graphene useful for manufacturing memory devices for the first time in the world.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PARAGRAF LIMITED £699,032 £ 419,419


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE £299,198 £ 299,198


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