Advancing Consumer Protection Through Machine Learning: Reducing Harm in Gambling

Lead Participant: BET BUDDY LIMITED


Bet Buddy, a London-based gaming analytics start-up, and City University London are collaborating to use Big Data to develop the world's most advanced consumer protection solutions to support the global $500bn gaming (i.e. gambling) industry. Regulation and consumer protection are major factors shaping the UK and global gaming industries, in that licensed operators need to show a duty of care to protect the vulnerable from the harmful effects of gaming. Through addictions research and applied science, machine learning techniques and software engineering, Bet Buddy and City University London are helping consumers to make more informed choices about their health and wealth and protecting vulnerable people from harm. The project builds on the successful solution that Bet Buddy has implemented for the government of Ontario in Canada.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

BET BUDDY LIMITED £290,771 £ 174,365




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