DataPrivacyPlus - Managing Personal Data Risks Across Supply Chains
Lead Participant:
The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to create new products and revenue streams for existing and emerging
companies, and in particular innovative SMEs. However, this results in vastly increased personal data collection,
both intentional and unintentional. The personal data supply chain comprises many places for data to leak, be
attacked, or be reused without permission. With growing risks arising from privacy-related breaches, and the
introduction of greater compliance requirements (and associated penalties) in the EU General Data Protection
regulation, organisations are under pressure to improve their privacy practices.
However, SMEs in particular lack affordable privacy tools to assist in management of personal information risks,
with the few that are available targeted at enterprises with professional privacy officers. This project brings
state-of-the-art privacy thinking and methodology together to create the DataPrivacyPlus privacy risk
management tools aimed at SMEs, with templates to customise the service for connected car (telematics) and
smart cities (IoT) vertical markets, leading to a range of affordable privacy management services.
Finance Summary Table – How to complete this section
companies, and in particular innovative SMEs. However, this results in vastly increased personal data collection,
both intentional and unintentional. The personal data supply chain comprises many places for data to leak, be
attacked, or be reused without permission. With growing risks arising from privacy-related breaches, and the
introduction of greater compliance requirements (and associated penalties) in the EU General Data Protection
regulation, organisations are under pressure to improve their privacy practices.
However, SMEs in particular lack affordable privacy tools to assist in management of personal information risks,
with the few that are available targeted at enterprises with professional privacy officers. This project brings
state-of-the-art privacy thinking and methodology together to create the DataPrivacyPlus privacy risk
management tools aimed at SMEs, with templates to customise the service for connected car (telematics) and
smart cities (IoT) vertical markets, leading to a range of affordable privacy management services.
Finance Summary Table – How to complete this section
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
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Participant |
People |