Ethical AI Marketplace-as-a-Service to help businesses impacted by COVID build back better

Lead Participant: PROTECTBOX LTD


ProtectBox have developed an "artificial intelligence (AI) Engine" (a highly adaptable AI Marketplace-as-a-Service) with many user-friendly features that lets B2B/C/G/I users (in minutes, for free) assess, match/bundle, compare, personalize, buy and rate a range of products and services. The latter are bundled and matched by proprietary AI that has been trained on the millions of products and services in the Cybersecurity market. Our current partners, as well as many more, are asking ProtectBox to repurpose their "AI Engine" for the defense operational technology (OT), health and agriculture markets, supporting the UK government's Integrated Review; the UK Government's COVID Recovery Strategy; NHS 5 Year forward plan; UK government's Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution; EU Horizon challenges; 2 of UK's Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) challenges and 4 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our vision is to become the go-to AI Marketplace-as-a-Service that lets you Build Back Better! So, an improved Amazon, that's more inclusive and sustainable!

We're an easy value-add, add-on to existing player's and wider player's offerings. In the same way, banks sell insurance as add-on, ProtectBox can be sold as all-in-one cyber add-on by accountants, banks, insurers, lawyers, telecoms, anyone who is a data service provider to users, even governments.

We've won 10 Awards, including CogX 2020's Best AI in Cybersecurity (humbled to beat BT & Darktrace for this); 2020, 2019 & 2018's Most Influential Women in UK Technology longlist; Wired Security 2017 and Security Excellence Award's Special Pandemic Award finalist alongside Barnsley Council, National Police Chiefs' Council and Opengear. Coverage in The Times, Telegraph, Wired, CityAM, Evening Standard amongst 30+ others. Help us help you! Sharing is caring so spread the love by joining the ProtectBox family today - MayTheProtectBoxBeWithYou (check out our Lego video to find out more)!

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PROTECTBOX LTD £72,058 £ 72,058


10 25 50