BlockDox - Better Journeys Through Unique Passenger Demand Management Platform

Lead Participant: BLOCK DOX LIMITED


With implications for customer satisfaction, revenue performance, congestion, route & space planning, operational cost reduction, health & safety, pollution, energy saving & facilities management, having accurate knowledge of the localised demand from passengers is critical data to smart intelligent transport strategies. Passenger demand data underpins the 4 core objectives of the DfT and the Gvt’s vision “to make journeys better: simpler, faster and more reliable” whilst supporting jobs, enabling business growth, and bring the UK closer together. BlockDox offers an interoperable platform that can be integrated into existing Transport Management Systems. It combines a patent-pending sensor fusion method with artificial intelligence, unique machine & deep learning algorithms to deliver an accurate assessment of real time & predictive passenger counting/flow. The solution addresses an unmet market challenge with 99% accuracy with the potential to deliver improved operational efficiency, journeys, improved security implications incl. crisis management. Potential for the solution to be applied to other sectors including building/facilities management, retail and event sectors.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

BLOCK DOX LIMITED £99,980 £ 69,986


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