SAFRON: Safe Operational Radio Network for mixed-priority communications to trains using a shared architecture.



The demand for train-to-track communications are proliferating; with in-cab signalling, passenger WiFi, remote CCTV, passenger counting, e-ticketing and remote condition monitoring (RCM), passenger information systems (PIS), seat reservation systems, driver advisory systems and many other applications jostling for bandwidth.

Many of these applications require guaranteed priority, security, and/or safety integrity. Traditionally to satisfy this, these applications have dedicated roof antennas, routers and networking but space on trains is restricted and duplication is costly.

The cost and complexity for Train Operating Companies (TOCs) to provide digital connectivity creates a barrier to adoption of new digital data-centric services to make train operation more intelligent.

SAFRON will create a prototype for a shared communications architecture such that any data-centric system can use the same connection from train-to-trackside at an assured level of priority, safety and security. This will reduce the cost for the TOC by eliminating duplicate connections and enabling them to make better use of data. We will explore several classifications of train-to-trackside data:

* Public
* Private
* Mission-critical
* Safety-related (SIL2)

We will explore the requirements for each of these application types, including security, quality of service, bandwidth, and data timeliness. Furthermore, due to approaching obsolescence of the existing lineside GSM-R network, we will assess the suitability of this architecture for safety-critical train control (SIL4). Communications technologies we will consider include 4G LTE and emerging 5G, with the option for falling-back on 3G and GPRS technologies too for resilience.

A hardware and software system that can accommodate these application types will be developed and demonstrated to satisfy their respective safety, security, and performance requirements.

We will evaluate their performance in the lab in indicative operational and degraded scenarios. A safety and security review will be carried out on the proposed solution, and an approval strategy will be developed for certification and product approval.

SAFRON will allow all players in the railway industry to use this fast and ubiquitous network to support the train and trackside to become more closely integrated - working together as one system.

SAFRON will be delivered in partnership between Apollo Rail Ltd (Apollo), TeleRail Networks Limited (TeleRail Networks), University of Surrey (Surrey), specifically the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS) and the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) and Network Rail Telecoms (NR).

We have letters of support from project stakeholders including Department for Transport (DfT), Heathrow Express (HEx), Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), and Network Rail Signalling.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TELERAIL NETWORKS LTD £168,190 £ 117,733


UNIVERSITY OF SURREY £99,044 £ 99,044
APOLLO RAIL LTD £43,792 £ 30,654


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