Chief AI - Global provision of AI As A Service

Lead Participant: CHIEF AI LIMITED


"Chief.AI provides full-service AI brokerage and marketplace that aims to become the pre-eminent access point for artificial intelligence as a service (AIAAS) globally.

It achieves this by brokering global AI resources, channeling them on demand for metered consumption in a simple to use but secure and private marketplace environment. Chief.AI enables Plug-and-Play retail of global AI back-ends, served to business consumers across a RESTful API on a PAYG model.

Suppliers can readily connect AI services to Chief, which enables easy discovery, comparison and purchase of services. Businesses can search for the most appropriate service, purchasing it programmatically and consuming it as and when needed.

Services are organised by industrial sector, enabling sectoral businesses to discover and consume industry-relevant AI services with ease. Consumption, benchmarking, and real-time service feedback mechanisms enrich the AI experience across metrics such as algorithm effectiveness, efficiency and AI ethics scores.

Revenue is derived from transparent two-sided commission on service usage.

This is a paradigm changing way of introducing the businesses and developers to AI, from the current deployment heavy implementation via an easy to use and stable API."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CHIEF AI LIMITED £330,160 £ 231,112




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