SMART Augmented Reality platform for increasing the mobility and independence of Parkinson’s disease patients – SMARTAR

Lead Participant: EMTEQ LIMITED


Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological condition that affects over 6 million people worldwide. Half of Parkinson patients suffer from a condition called Freezing of Gait, where they feel as if their feet are "glued" to the ground. This sensation can occur when you start to walk or while walking and many last for several seconds to minutes. In the UK there are 145,000 people with Parkinson's and over 72,000 people who suffer from Freezing of Gait.This project is focused on developing SMARTAR -- Augmented Reality platform for increasing the mobility and independence of Parkinson's disease patients. SMARTAR is an Augmented Reality Glasses that, through the use of sensors, will monitor a person's gait, detecting if a freezing incident occurs. It will then use proven techniques of giving the user a visual focus point of parallel lines on the ground to "step over". This method has been proven to be the best solution to overcoming Freezing. SMARTAR will be a portable solution that will work both inside and outside, allowing the user to keep their mobility and to be more independent and less reliant on family members or caretakers.Existing solution address Freezing in Parkinson patients require the user to turn them on/off or to always be on. They can also be very noticeable, drawing unwanted attention to the person with Parkinson's. The need and challenge in this project is to develop a discrete solution and by using Augmented Reality Glasses we will be able to create a system that only the user will be able to interact with.Awaiting Public Project Summary

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

EMTEQ LIMITED £495,466 £ 346,826




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