Compact fusion reactors for carbon free combined heat and power generation



Crossfield Fusion Ltd is developing a novel compact fusion reactor targeting carbon free heat and power generation.

Our vision is to manufacture compact fusion reactors the size of a small shipping containers that can be mass produced in factories. The company's fusion reactor technology is expected to scale up to about 1MWe of electrical output or 2-3MWt of heat. Thus, it is dramatically different in size and output to Tokomak Fusion reactors which promise to deliver 100's-1000's of MWs thus entirely complementary in application. They are also complementary to the small modular reactor program (SMR and AMR) and nuclear power in general as these are again higher output reactors and are physically much larger than those projected by the company.

This is an exciting prospect for the future and when developed will positively impact climate change via carbon free district heating and power, carbon free electric vehicle charging and carbon free marine power plants.

Prior to achieving these end goals the company will be exploiting the technology commercially as high output compact neutron sources for use in radiotherapy, medical isotope production and material testing applications.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CROSSFIELD FUSION LTD £389,800 £ 194,900


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